
Can AnyOne Tell Me about The Evolution theory of Darwin?

by Guest56242  |  earlier

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Can AnyOne Tell Me about The Evolution theory of Darwin?




  1. Sure, The Theory of Evolution:

    Something happened, then a lot of time passed, then something else happened.

    Make up anything you want, just apply the formula and no one will question your conclusion.  How could they, how could it be disproved?  Besides they do it all the time on TV and in books.

    As in "The King Has No Clothes", anyone caught questioning Evolution will be punished.

    And as in "The Wizard of Oz", do not look behind the curtain: In over 100 years the missing link has not been found.

  2. i believe in the infinite power of creation of ALLAH my selfe ..regardless the time and location factors

    but i ll tell you the whole evolution story that most people relate to darwin, while its very old news beside the fact that he used some tricks like mixing fossils to prove himeselfe right, and believe it or not modern science proved that he did!

    There are three main theories:

    1- Special creation theory

    it prevailed in the middle ages and suggested that:

    all living organisms were created from the beginning in the same form as it is now, and the number of speciesis constant and it does not change, and that there was a spontinuous generation for every kind of living organisms as a special creation

    2-Organic evoluotion theory (that we relate to darwin )

    it prevailed in recent time,it suggested that each species of living organisms evolved from another that was present befor it ,and less complicated in structure ,and that it did not all happen at once, but through slight changes that accumolates with time gradually until thy look like what it is now.

    as for the start point :

    ***Thales (640-546B.C.)stated that all living organisms evolved from water

    ***Alex mander (588-524 B.C.)attributed the origin of life to mixture of water and sun

    ***Aristotle(484-322B.C.) believed in the gradual change in creation  "incomplete to complete"and finaly came darwin ...

    3-Theory of catastrophism by G.CUVIER 1769-1822

    living organisms evolved by a cycle that happend by higher power (god)  several times ..each time a catastrophe happend and the organisms were destroyed and replaced by new forms so that the catastrophe and the replacement is some sort of a cycle untile the final day when earth is totally destroied ....

    which jews cristians and moslems call ( judgement day) . surprisingly judgement day s idea is one of the very few things thy would agree on as humans ! i wish there was a few more including not killing each other for money,land,power, oil and respecting each others rights of living ...

    any way i wish my answer was helpful and  you have the wright to believe in whatever you think is true

    and thank you for reading

  3. I'm sorry you got such terrible answers to this question, although you must admit it's not a particularly good question. What do you want to know in particular? Be specific.

    For a good introduction to what the modern theory of evolution actually says, you might like to look at the excellent talkorigins site:

  4. It's talking about natural selection of the organisms. It suggests " the survival to the fittest". Only the strongest can out-compete and reproduce and pass on the desirable trait to the new generation in a unfavourable condition,eg: bad weather or limited food source.

    But it is very ridiculous to say that all of the creatures came from one common ancestor. That means fish and bird could be cousin and dragonfly could be bees nephew.

  5. You could read On th Origin of Species.

    Or go to these sites:

    In a nutshell: Individuals vary; they pass charactristics onto thir off-spring. Those with variations that better enable thm to survive and leav more offspring, pass thos charactristics to more offpring (in general), than othrs.

    Sorry, my E key is wonky.

  6. There is no concrete evidence for Darwins theory. It just does not stand up with the fossil records lack of evidence. Not one piece of hard fact has came out of the earths crust in 150 years to verfy any of Darwins idea's. He said, or realised himself, that on the existance of these forms my theory will stand or fall, and sadly for him, nothing has ever materialised. I will say, what he has got is progress within the life of a given species, but that is natural progession. evolution can not jump from one species and become another.

  7. Pick up a copy of How to Read Darwin by Mark Ridley. It's concise and easy to understand. And cheap.

  8. darwin thought that since some animals made insignifigant changes throughout the years to adapt to there surrounding that it must be true that they made real big changes but even darwin believed in God so darwins theory was just a drunk spinning a thought

  9. check these sites--


    http://www.darwins-theory-of-evolution.c... - 26k - (video) errors in his theory)

    hope it helps u..

  10. It's a stupid thought that all creatures are related.

    It is, of course, not true.

    The Bible is the only truth.

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