
Can Anybody In Their Right Mind Vote For McCain?

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how can anyone believe the Bush presidency should continue for another term?




  1. A better question might be, how could anyone in their right mind vote for a guy that is backed by Chicago and Hollywood nuts!  Be careful what you ask for, you might get it!

  2. I support the MCCAIN/PALIN ticket because they are good for a representative democracy. We don’t need to socialist democracy that Obama/Biden ticket would bring. Plus, having the same political party in charge of both branches is a recipe for more greed and corruption, as we found out when the Republicans held that power. We need parity between the the two branches, not more rubber-stamp politics.

  3. Comparing McCain to Bush is saying that we can compare Obama to Rev Wright.  

    McCain has proved time and again he is not Bush and will not be Bush.

  4. personally I think the democratic party wanted hilary in office to run for them, and put the usual runner uppers and the "inexperienced black man" cause after all who will vote for him? it back fired, and hilary got left in the dust.

    I am a republican with an open mind, and dont think it unwise at all to vote for the other party. but at this point, I want the only reasonably experienced and qualified candidate running: McCain.

    I would vote for Obama if he could just make up his mind. sometimes he pledges to the United States flag, other times he doesnt. thats even worse than NEVER saying it, because he cant decide what he wants to do, and probably only does it to please his voters... why do I want someone like that?

  5. I'm not voting for grandpa

  6. we have been left with no choice, the democrat candidate is horrible

  7. You desperately need to take another look at the debates before the 2000 election.

    Also, you really need to do your homework before you open your uneducated mouth.

    Does your mommy know you are playing on the computer?

  8. Bush isn't eligible for another term. Lots of people in their right mind will vote for McCain. Not everybody likes inexperienced Democrat candidates with a socialist agenda.

  9. I will not be voting for McCain-Palin because:

    -I do not support the war in Iraq. Besides the fact that we have NO reason to be there, we don't have the economy to continue spending $10 billion a month there. Support the soldiers, bring them home.

    -I fear putting my right to choose in their hands. Both McCain and Palin favor overturning Roe vs. Wade.

    -Conservatism is c**p. For example, McCain is pro-life, yet he voted against comprehensive s*x ed. Wtf?

    -McCain knows a lot about war, and not enough about economy. I, personally, don't want another depression.

    -"Ten commandments would bring virtue to our schools" (Jan. 2000) I don't want religion in my life. Separation of church and state, loves. Don't force your religion down my throat, I won't kick your ***. I'm not in high school anymore, but I will forever believe that religion has NO place in public school. If kids want to pray in their own groups, that's totally fine. However, there is no way in h**l I will stand for MANDATORY prayer/worship in a public school.

    -Healthcare. The health care industry is practically owned by insurance companies. Health shouldn't be a business or a privledge, it should be a right.

    -I don't like his "give the states this power, leave that up to the states" philosophy. It's lazy. We're supposed to be UNITED. We're not separate countries.

    -His stance on civil rights.

    Voted YES on recommending Constitutional ban on flag desecration. (Jun 2006)

    Voted NO on adding sexual orientation to definition of hate crimes. (Jun 2002)

    Voted YES on loosening restrictions on cell phone wiretapping. (Oct 2001)

    Voted NO on expanding hate crimes to include sexual orientation. (Jun 2000)

    Voted YES on prohibiting same-s*x marriage. (Sep 1996)

    Voted NO on prohibiting job discrimination by sexual orientation. (Sep 1996)

    Voted YES on Amendment to prohibit flag burning. (Dec 1995)

    Voted YES on banning affirmative action hiring with federal funds. (Jul 1995)

    -He's undiplomatic. He will not speak to Cuba, or terrorists. He will ignore people who disagree, and instead declare war. Why has diplomacy been thrown out the door? This country is no Don Corlone (haha), we just can't declare war after war after war, making too many enemies in the process. I know that talking to terrorists sounds bad, but think about it; if someone reasoned with them if we felt threated, maybe we could avoid another tragedy like 9/11. And why should we ignore Cuba just because they're communist? That's their country, not ours. We're strong enough to not fall to communism.

    -He thinks globalization is an "opportunity". I cannot grasp why politicians in this country can't find a medium between being complete isolated from the rest of the world and the imperalistic world police.

    -Too gun happy. I'm for the right to bear arms.I realize that if guns were illegal they would be on the black market faster than you can say Al Capone and the only people who would have them would be criminals. Prohibiton (of anything) generally doesn't work. He's too loose on restrictions and safety regulations for guns. Allowing firearms in national parks? Those places are supposed to be sacred and safe. Not hunting grounds. He does think guns are a problem, but "so are violent video games and TV". Guns < TV? Whatever. You can't shoot someone with a TV. (Censorship is also c**p, by the way.)

    -He is against allowing Habeus Corpus is Guantanamo. Habeus Corpus will NOT automatically allow inamtes there to leave. It will give the wrongly imprisioned a chance at freedom. How is that wrong?

    I disagree with him. I'm not voting for him. I will be looking into moving to Canada if he becomes president; I cannot watch Geogre W. Bush: the sequel.

  10. and i quote from mccain's representative

    "McCain knows that deregulation and lower taxes will fix the economy".

    I find it ironic because its a known fact deregulation is what exacerbated this economic problem in the first place

  11. I swear, California's election and the National/Presidential election are mirroring one another-here we're hearing adds daily against Arnold (he's NOT RUNNING) and Nationally we're hearing more about Bush than any of the candidates! Enough already. Isn't "Change" what Obama and his supporters are all about? Well change the rhetoric already, enough Bush talk. Talk about McCain himself, not just compare him to Bush to scare voters away. Find a NEW, FRESH tactic and start pushing that in the faces of the voters...

    Bush isn't running, get over him-it's time for CHANGE!

  12. how can anyone think obama could be president? i don't like either, but i cant stand obama!! hes unfit, and to top it off his middle name is hussein wtf!!!!!

  13. The 26 percenters will.

    I didn't think there were that many corporate CEOs.

  14. He just met her and I resent the fact that he thinks women are just v-jj's  

  15. It's a wonder.

    Obama/Biden '08

  16. You've been impregnated with some really bad programing, you ought to get that seen about.  

  17. I would vote for Obama, but I think Hurricane Gustav will do enough damage.....

  18. Yes we will vote for McCain. I don't think that anyone in their right mind will vote for Obama.

  19. no

  20. Depends on how you define 'Right Mind'. Some people can believe that an inexperienced Obama may worsen things. Again, lets say some people did really well in Business during the last 2 or 3 years. They wouldnt find anything wrong with Bush. This logic may startle you, but there are a large section of people whose choice for election depends on their personal (and family) well being and not on large.

    So define 'Right Mind' and you will have more responses.

  21. Can anybody in their right mind equate McCain with Bush?

    Don't any of you Obama supporters ever bother to think for yourselves?

  22. They don't want an Obama-nation.

    They don't want socialism.

    Bush is past history. Why are you trying to tie him to McCain?

  23. I believe you and your fellow Dumbocrats are misinformed. Bush has already had two terms and cannot run again.  The people in their right minds will vote for McCain. The people that are not in their right minds will vote for B. Hussein Obama.

  24. How can anyone swallow as many talking points as you?

    A careful examination of McCain's voting record with Bush reveals that, yes, in 2007, McCain voted "with Bush" 95% of the time, but in years previous to 2007, the % has been as low as 67%.

    Why does this matter?  Because it proves he is more independent than Obama, who has consistently voted with Liberals 97% of the time.

    So, all that to say, I have more confidence in McCain being an independent thinker and I would rather have him as President than Obama sharing the Oval Office with Harry Reid, NP, Byrd, Kennedy, Kerry, and so on.

    97%...over a period of years...what a hypocrite!

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