
Can Anybody help with my sudden knee problem?

by  |  earlier

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Hey. I was in my bedroom before, i bent down and my knee REALLY hurts. Its my right knee and it seems to have swollen, i can't bend down, through sheer pain. It just happened all of a sudden. I'm in my teens and never had knee problems before, does anybody know what it could be and what should i do? I can walk fine, and bend my knee to a 90 degree angle, then it aabsolutelykills. So please help me!!!






  1. meniscus see a dr.

  2. Please see your doctor or better still go for x=ray

  3. A few important questions -

    Did it make a noise when it happened? or when you walk?

    Do you have any simlar problems anywhere else?

    Is the pain getting worse?

    which bit of your knee hurts?

    generally if you can walk already its probably not too bad, in the interim get some ice on it - a bag of frozen peas for 5-10 mins. If you are not asthmatic or have an ulcer then take an anti inflammatory (read instructions etc)  

  4. You need to go to A&E or at least he doctors, it sounds like you might have burst or snapped something in your knee

  5. I would get it checked out at the docs, you don't want to do any more damage than you already have. Its probably just a sprain but best get professional advice

  6. I don't think you have snapped something at all. It sounds like you have strained the muscle or tore the ligaments. You should see your GP as soon as possible though. Just avoid over bending it, as this will make it worse. Take care when you walk, as putting too much pressure on the leg may make it worse.

    So call your doctor now for an emergency appointment.

    Or call NHS Direct for further info on 0845 4647

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