
Can Anyone Give Me Tips For Playing Volleyball?!?!?!?

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Can Anyone Give Me Tips For Playing Volleyball?!?!?!?




  1. TALK   TALK  TALK  until you can't scream" i got it" anymore!!

    good luck!

    my team talks so much, we finished our season this year UNDEFEATED!!


  2. Don't be afraid of the ball. That's the number one thing. Volleyball is a weird sport because in most you are told to either catch or run with/away from the ball. In vb, you have to move towards it in order to dig and pass successfully. Get used to the ball hitting your arms, and practice, practice, practice. Make sure you can pass rocks and pick up hits. Everything else, like reaction time and strategy, will improve with experience.

  3. when the outside hitter is going to hit keep your eye on the ball instead of the player.

    be down and ready when the ball is served

  4. These are the three most important things you'll ever need to know about playing volleyball. If you've got these three things, you're set:

    1. You have to have an incredible amount of heart. You have to believe in yourself, and know that you can win. Don't get down on yourself, or you don't have a chance.

    2. Don't give up on yourself, or your team. Even if your record happens to be 0 and 20...hmmmmm. The only way you can win is if you believe that you can win, and giving up on yourself or on your team won't get you anywhere.

    3. Don't give up on any play. Even if the ball is across the court and you know that there is no way on earth that you are going to get there, you still go for it. It shows that you care, and it shows how much effort you give. Don't stand there and watch the game, ever. Be a part of it.

    Even if you don't know how to play volleyball at all, you'd probably make it far with just these three things! At least, I believe that they are the most important things...and I'm pretty sure I know.

  5. go to the store and buy a volleyball pass with the wall for a while then work with a friend who knows how to play and they can explain it to u in a little bit more detail on how to pass(bump), set, spike(hit), serve, dine and many other things u need to know about the game

  6. well you have to fun and welling to listen to the coach.And always try your hardest no matter what.whatever they ask you to do,do it.You can also watch some games and see how other people play the will be amazed.


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