
Can Anyone Make Me A Healthy Meal Plan To Gain Some Weight?

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I need to gain some weight to stay out of inpatient anorexia treatment. Can anyone give me an idea of what i should eat in a day? A specific meal plan would be great.





  1. Well, I'm on a diet to gain muscle mass, it contains 2,700-3,000 calories, so this may help you too.  You can make adjustments according to your goals and body composition:

    Breakfast: 2 boiled egg whites, 1 sunny side-up egg with yolk on wheat bread, oatmeal, Omega-3 soft chew, and an orange

    Snack: Avocado sandwich on wheat bread, with various vegetables, and a banana separately + Whey protein mixed with water and all natural peanut butter

    Lunch: Turkey sandwich with mustard and tomatoes on wheat bread, and some fruit

    Pre-workout Meal: Oatmeal, 2 boiled egg whites, Ensure (protein drink), fruit, and a multivitamin

    Post-workout Meal: Whey protein mixed with water and all natural peanut butter, banana, sweet potato

    Dinner: Brown rice with skinless chicken, sweet potato, and fruit

    Final Meal: Casein protein milkshake

    The Whey protein and Casein would actually be fine for you to take, they are just protein in the form of powder.  You need protein to help rebuild and repair muscle tissue, especially if you workout.  If you don't need the protein, it will be excreted through wastes.  

    I highly recommend that you do some form of exercise, you don't want all of this to go to fat, my suggestion is that you weightlift.  

    Females have 1/10 the amount of testosterone as males, so don't worry, you're not going to get big and bulky, your muscles will just strengthen.  Also, their is a common myth that light weights and higher repetitions tones you, that is false, so don't go by that myth.  

    Best of luck!

  2. listen to yamster..hweight training is good u wanna look toned and help gain weight it's good some healthy meals

    2egg whites and 1 full egg w/ 1 slice of cheese and ham omlete or peppers and onions on the side of that a apple or a piece of fruit and a glass of milk

    snack peanut butter crackers w/ a glass of milk

    Lunch 4oz roast beef or turkey or ham or tuna w/e sandwich on wheat bread w/ dressing if  u want or mayo w/ an apple on the side

    snack-protein bar w/ a banana or cereal w/ milk and a banana

    Dinner 3-5oz chicken steak seafood w/e  u want w/ 2cups of steamed veges and 1cup of roasted potatoes

    snack-yogurt or cottage cheese w/ almonds and a glass of milk

    now idk if u have ensure or boost but i had to have those i remember when i was in the hospital..they gave me 2 a day on top of what i was eating...they really helped alot i gained well and hopefully u can o cuz othse patient treatments SUCK trust me u dont wanna go there..i hope my meal plan helps it is something like i was on but i had to eat even more..this will help u dont see it as ur gonna get fat..u need to gain weight to be healthy and look and feel good..girl u can do it best of luck i was in the same boat as you and now ive overcome it and am 132lbs 5ft 5 and feeling sooo great im working out building's just great to get that eating disorder outta ur life best of luckreally more help ask im willing to give my "2 cents"

  3. chicken and vegetables i think

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