
Can Anyone Recommend a 5.1 surround sound system?

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I Know My sound card is compatible with up to 7.1 speaker sets. But I would like a good affordable 5.1 sound system.




  1. Just bought 2 sets, definitive technology 1000 and Kef 2500. I also like the cantons.

    Take a look at for cantons and Kef, they are authorized dealers. But you have to listen to them before making a decision.

  2. Will need some parameters mainly your budget

    I have a Onkyo system with Polk Audio speakers and sub.

    check out infinity they have some nice speakers.  Yamaha also makes some descent sound systems.


    I believe your best bet is with Logitec, it sounds like this is something you are going to hook up to a computer with and for something in your price range components are going to be out of the question.  Logitec, Altec Lansing and Creative Labs have a 5.1 system.  I've had an old pair of Altec Lansing speakers before and a good friend has a newer Logitec and I have no complaints about either one.  My buddy's Logitec is a 2.1 and it puts out some good sound.  Other brands I would recommend not sure if they have a 5.1 system or not, would be Klipsch and Harman Kardon.  Most of these systems are going to be in the $100-$200 range so about 60-100GBP.

  3. I certainly have to recommend the Onkyo HT-SR800 system being a current owner.  It will be very close to your budget after doing some online shopping, and they produce a great sound especially for the low cost.  If you do not need a receiver, check out the Onkyo SKS HT240.  Also a small compact system that is very affordable.

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