
Can Anyone Tell Me The Name Of This Egyptian Song?

by Guest33756  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike my best friend went on a Nile cruise in Egypt In December. She's recorded all the things she saw....and all the things they did on the boat like the galabiya party.

There's this one song that we both LOVE!!!! But we don't know who sings it or what it's called. It goes a little something like this.....

..."Misale....misale...misale....misal... mislale" Well thats wat the backing singers are saying in the chorus.

It's pronounced like this "Miss - Ah - Leh"

I know it's not a very good discription but if anyone could help us out it would be great!!!

Thank u!! :)




  1. I did not understand

  2. It's difficult to figure out what you mean, try to know some more words

  3. I don't understand either

  4. Maybe if you upload a part of you recording we could help figure it out.

  5. I did not  understand anything

  6. No way,

    That Miss all song. I did not hear about it before

    Will you try to find it on U-Tube?

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