
Can Anyone give me some strong points for Strain Theory?

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I am writing a paper and I really need some strong points and weak points for strain theory. If you have any it would so appreciated.




  1. Basically, strain theory says that people choose to commit crime because of the disparity between the social goals that encourage monetary and material success, and the opportunities to achieve this through socially approved means.  The strong points for this are fairly easy.  For example, look at inner city crime.  Much of the proceeds of this crime is not centered on providing basic needs, but for the collection of cash, jewelry, expensive cars, "bling", and expensive clothing.  Kids growing up in this environment see that illegal activity such as drug sales or theft is easier and more profitable than going to school, getting a minimum wage job and working their way up the ladder.  Also, strain talks about how a different value system that the socially approved ones will develop in order to justify the anti-social activity.  You see this in the subcultures of criminal groups such as gangs.  

    The down sides to strain are that the theory doesn't explain white collar or corporate crime, or crime committed by the wealthy/powerful because these individuals already have all the benefits of society that strain theory says should prevent crime.  Also, strain doesn't explain how different people living in the same environment will choose different paths.   In other words, if two kids growing up in the same crappy inner city neighborhood, why would one not choose crime while the other does?

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