
Can Anyone help me with my dreams?

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Hey guys!

So i was wondering am i phsycic in my dreams?

i have at least one dream every two weeks that ends up coming true sometimes even more dreams

they arent anything big , but i would dream about what would happen at school or something to do with my friends or family i had 2 latest incidents

i had a dream that my friend was getting her parents bathroom fixed and that noone can use it. so for fun i asked her if any of her bathrooms were getting fixed and she said that yes her parents were fixing theirs.

another dream i had was someone commenting on one of my photos who usually dosent. so i didnt belive it was really going to come true so i just left it alone,2 days after i got the comment on the same picture i had in my dream.

i also had a lot of dreams about people who passed away,my grandfather and my great grandfather i havent meet them cause they died before i was born but ive seen them in my dreams and they would be there talking to me. i can tell you my dream about my grandfather since its shorter just to give you an idea.

so i dreamed that he was sleeping next to my grandma and i remeber him calling a name and he told me something to say hi to my grandma and i woke up adn i told my grandma about the dream and she said that his death date was coming soon.

i had other dreams that came true also

can anyone plesea tell me ? is it just a concidince or something?





  2. oh this is no coincidence sweetie! This is the real thing...... the dreams, the signs, the experiments..... they are all coming to me as you said this.... the genetics....... e-mail me and i will tell you what is going on....

  3. your having psychic dreams. pretty cool. i used to do it all the time. been workin on it here lately to try to get it to come back. have obe's bout once a month but so far thats it. have fun with it and dont take it for granted. try reading up on some of sylvia brownes books if you'd like some info. my favorite of hers was life on the other side. great book and covered a lot of different things. she'll explain some things so they make more sence. good luck!

  4. i didnt read anything i just wanted to reply to the first answer

    de ja vu is when it feels like it re happend

    de ja vu in a dream? DA ****?

  5. No, you're not psychic in your dreams. It is a coincidence. In fact, it's not even a coincidence. You dream of something, and then you LOOK for that to happen, or look for ways in which it could be true. The fact of the matter is, if you throw enough darts, you're bound to hit a bullseye from time to time -- metaphorically speaking.

  6. sometimes you dream of things that happen through out the day before things you hear people say and sometimes when you have a dream and it comes true is because you have a connection to someone and you can feel their thoughts and feel what they feel

  7. I think its something. Im not a big believer in that kind of coincidence. You may have a gift. Sweet dreams...

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