
Can Anyone recommend dvds that are similar to walking with cavemen?

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I really liked this series, but found it way too short. Im looking for more in depth info that discusses the different hominoid in more detail. I saw one on discovery channel a few weeks ago it discussed the the beginnings of civilization. anyone recommend anything else thats similar??





    "...QUEST FOR FIRE is more than just a hugely entertaining science lesson, although it certainly is that. It's also a touching, funny and suspenseful drama..." - New York Times

    4 stars out of 5 -- "[I]t delves into the filth of our forefather's existence, revealing the cruelty of their struggle to survive. There's also a heart-rending love story, humour, and the titular action-packed quest..." - Total Film

    "The film is so well crafted and has such a relentless narrative drive that it quickly becomes absorbing." - Sight and Sound

    A prehistoric odyssey set at the dawn of mankind, when the first proto-humans let their fire go out and are forced to search for more across an untamed world. Well researched and realistic. Academy Award Nominations: Best Make-Up.

    During the Ice Age, the fire used by a clan of cavemen is extinguished during a battle. Subsequently, three members leave in search of new embers to renew their flame. This journey proves to be more event-filled than expected, however; for example, they rescue a young cavewoman from cannibalistic savages and she leads them to her tribe, where the trio learns the secrets of fire -- and love.

  2. I have better suggestion: travel to those places. Spend the night in cave. Try to make something with your hands. Try to hunt or fish with weapon you make on your own. Don't smoke ;)

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