
Can Anyone tell me the meaning of this dream?

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i had this dream the other night about a guy (one of my past best friends) that i have not seen in over 6 years. We both were at a party and then all of a sudden we were holding hands, and then it went farther and farther.

i thought it was kind of weird.. like i haven't even thought about this guy for the past 6 years really. I do know back when we were good friends he did like me, and we were about to go out. but then we went seperate directions and haven't seen eachother since

can anyone tell me what this dream might mean? its has been bugging me, even if it doesn't mean anything




  1. maybe you will see him soon. like he will come back into your life.

  2. You might have feelings for him and be unaware about should try contacting him

  3. I don't know.

    im into astrology and such.

    Maybe...he is your sould mate.

    [not meaning meant to be together forever, just...meant to know each other]

    You should look into it.

    My friend has a book that gives the birth date of your soul mates, friends & such,

    pretty neat stuff.

  4. Have you been thinking about him recently ? Usually when i think about something or someone just before i go to sleep they appear in my dreams even people i've havent seen for ages.

    Maybe your dream is giving a sign that your going to meet your friend again maybe not ?

  5. maybe its trying to show you what could have been................

  6. You need to give more details for an acurate interpretation.  For example, did you stay in the same room?  Did he/you say anything?  Have you briefly skimmed past his pic or something?  Is there another guy you know who reminds you of him?  Are you having sexual tension with another guy (maybe interest in a friend or yours) or have you been lonely?  To get a serious analysis would take a lot more information.  Lots of things could have caused this dream.  The images and situations are usually symbolic of something else.  Here's an example;

    A friend of mine was telling me about a dream she had once where her and a guy I know (they were dating) went to her family's house for spring break or some holiday and they were put in seperate rooms.  Her room was locked and he was pounding on the door because she was locked in.  Then she saw a horse.  Sounds pretty nuts but basically, the room represents a woman's "womb" and she was worried about not being able to be intimate with her boyfriend at her parents house (thus the locked door meaning "no entry") and when I asked her if she had seen a horse recently she suddenly remembered that she had seen one on tv or something.

  7. it depends some people see stuff before it happens most of the time when there sleeping they have a dream then it will happens some time latter or it could mean you miss him down deep somewhere and really need to talk to him

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