
Can Art heal?

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Can Art heal?




  1. Most definitely!!?!

    I'm 38 and went through cancer 2 years ago. It made me realize that I had kind of lost myself, as I had moved away from my interests/talents through the years.

    I pulled out my pastels, and I was able to get totally lost in my artwork. I feel so at peace when I'm creative in that way. The world just melts away. And at that time, the worries of my cancer battle started to melt away as well. Reading and watching movies didn't have the same effect, because inevitably, something would remind me that I was sick, and I'd start to worry again.

    My art also gave me something to look forward to, something to be proud of, during that lowest point in my life. My art enabled me to put my energy into something constructive, instead of just feeling like I was whithering away. It lifted my spirits so much, and I'm certain it helped in my healing process.

  2. sure can.. just mind over matter

  3. Sure can. Art therapy is an excellent example. Art is a great way to express so many different things, it is an excellent medium to use for anything

  4. Sure. If the person that needs said healing fancies art.

  5. Makes me feel a lot better wen I draw, yea I guess you can say that. Also if you consider music as art (which I do) then yea. Music heals a lot.

  6. Yes. There has been much research on how the mind effects the healing of the body.

    Art is creating beautiful things, so I would think your mind powers your body to heal!

  7. It can only heal the soul.
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