
Can Betta fish be in the same tank as a "Sucker Fish"?

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Okay well today I got a sucker fish (to clean my tank) for my Betta Tank, I was wondering if its okay to put them together. The Betta will flare up and go like smell the sucker fish, but WILL NOT bite him. Will he eventually bite him or what?? The pet store lady said it was okay but I'm not sure, also, a couple times when the Betta will sniff the sucker, the sucker will swim frantically and the Betta will chase him and stuff and TRY to attack but never does?? I'm just worried, should i take out the sucker fish?




  1. the betta is probably just showing him who's boss my betta was like that to my other fish but he did not bite them or nip or anything he he would just flare his gills and chase them so maybe that is all.hope i helped.but you should just wait a while see if Any thing bad happens but probably won't.

  2. what type of sucker fish


    hillstreem loach

    Chinese algae eater

    most should be ok but Chinese algae eaters get aggressive and may kill a betta

  3. There is not much a betta can do to harm a Pleco. Once it settles in it will rule the tank, but is unlikely to harm a betta. Meantime make sure it has a good hiding spot, it will swim into a pipe, castle or 'hollow log' ornament and keep out of the Betta's way.

    Be aware that Common plecos DO grow to a foot long and are the fish equilvant of an armour plated bulldozer and manure spreader. Adult Plecos are good tankmates for Oscars and other Large cichlids, but if you have a betta size tank it's going to outgrow it soon. Plecos are long lived, 15+ years, so they have plenty of time to grow.


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