
Can Bettas eat Romaine Lettuce?

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And if they can, what other vegetables can they eat? I want to give them a treat every now and then. Answers appreciated, thanks. =)




  1. well,i dont feed my bettas lettuce,so i wouldent no

  2. Bettas are carnivores, they won't benefit from eating vegetable matter. They are tropical fish but don't give them tropical fish food because tropical fish food is made for omnivores. Give them food made for bettas or a high protein fish food. I like Betta Banquet Premium Betta Food by Seachem, I also like Hikari Betta-Bio Gold. Take a good look at your betta's eye, that's how big his stomach is, it's tiny. They only need like 4-8 pellets a day, depending on the size of the betta. The only veggie I give my bettas are the inside of a blanched pea to prevent SBS (swim bladder syndrome) and constipation. I like to give my bettas blanched pea once a week and I also fast my bettas for a day so that they can stay regular and this also helps them digest the foods consumed during the week. As for treats, they love bloodworms, brine shrimp, baby crickets, daphnia, mysis shrimp, krill, and finely chopped beef-heart.

    Good Luck!

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