
Can Blu-ray play at 720p?

by Guest33117  |  earlier

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Can Blu-ray play at 720p?




  1. Yes.

  2. Yes the player's disc is encoded at 1080p but the player will down rez the signal to either 720p or 1080i depending on the TV's native resolution (in your case 720p.

    Just make sure you go into the players set-up menu and click resolution and from there select 720p  This tells the player to down rez the image, so that it can be sent a signal that your TV can hanlde.

    Now most modern TV's have a processing chip that will also do this automatically so you can send the signal untouched as 1080i and the TV will down rez the image to 720p, but you have to determine which does the scaling better, the player or the TV.

    Most times it's the player.  I have a Pioneer Elite 58" RPTV with a built in 1,000 dollar scaler and a simple 70.00 DVD player did a better job of scaling the image than the TV ever did, so check out both scalers in the player and TV and determine for yourself which gives you the better picture and choose that.

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