
Can British people drink turkish tap water?

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Can British people drink turkish tap water?




  1. Well... Even most of the locals don't drink the tap water and buy it from stores just to be safe.. But I know this one guy that does drink the tap water. But.. Since you are not immune to it you may want to stay away from the tap and drink the filtered one. You can still wash your hands with it and shower etc.. just don't drink it.

  2. they can but they wouldn't want to

  3. I've been living in Turkey for 1 year and never met anyone that drinks the tap water here.

    My Turkish friend once said "The government claims the tap water is drinkable, but I don't trust the people working in the water treatment centers."  If the locals don't even drink the tap water, I wouldn't recommend for foreigners to drink it.

  4. Interesting question :) congratulations!!!!! (applause)

    nowadays most people drink the water from the bottles but despite the fact that we buy a big bottle of water to our house, I still continue to drink water from the tap:)) I think it is nt dangerous I have been drinking for years and nothing has ever happened to me up to now... ( God saves future events of course... )

    That's the case.. Nobody Dies From Drinking Water from a Tap!!..!!..!!..!!

  5. No. If they drink Turkish tap water, they become Turkish.


  6. You can but you might end up with an upset tummy so when bottled water is so cheap why spoil your time in Turkey.

    I do use the tap water to brush my teeth though and I've never suffered any adverse effects.

  7. Impossible :))))))))

    You must be under age of 10 . If not stop what ever you drinking.

  8. no,but Germans

  9. Wow, out of all the questions I've seen, this has got to be the dumbest question yet..

  10. Yes you can drink the tap water. However, due to a completely different mineral content to British tap water, you may get an upset tummy. Stick to bottled water.

  11. Heheheheeeee...what a question is that??? :D

    No, of course they can't. They must drink British tap water, so bring some bottles, man :D

    (let me correct ur question. If u r British u should know there is no turkish tap water, but Turkish tap water...)

  12. No its illegeal for The British to drink Turkish Tap Water.

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