
Can Britney Spears make a comeback? After 07's Blackout.?

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Please send me a link of Britney Spears VMA perfomance




  1. no

  2. Yes. She's finally getting her life together, she's taking her life back now. She turned down a spot to be on THIS YEARS Video Music Awards to work on her new album. She's becoming that much more dedicated. I honestly believe she can come back, she has the basis to be a phenomenal artist, and if she comes back with the passion I think she might, she'll shoot straight back to the top.

    Oh, and in my personal opinion, Blackout was a pretty good album. Very upbeat, different from the "I'm not a girl"/Crossroads Britney. She's finally defining herself, that's something that I'm proud of. She'll be back, and you can bet on it.

    Oh, and I just wanna say Kevin Federline is the world's biggest d**k. xD He's one of the main reasons Britney went well... psycho. :/ But yeah. Whatever baybay!

  3. Let's f*cking hope not!

    She is the best example of why some people should just jerk off instead!

  4. Here is a link to the VMA performance:

    I am a firm believer that she can come back.  She had no discernable talent before her fall from grace, thus she can be said to have the same talents(or lack thereof).  I have not heard of any great societal upswing in taste that would make it impossible for her to accumulate a sheep-like following and misguided devotion once again.

    Incidentally, I think her best work to this date was in the "candid" photos of her floppy lady meat getting out of the limo with Paris.   The toothless vertical smile (Say Cheese!) of her dilapidated trailer-baby-farm had more to say about society than any of her songs ever did....

  5. I hope she doesn't make a comeback...

  6. I think she can.

    I just hope she can get her life back together.

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