
Can Buliding 400,000 Windmills Help Solve Global Warming & Our Energy & High Gasoline Price Crisis ?

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Comprehensive Energy Plan To Lower Gasoline Prices and Help Solve Global Warming

This is how we will do it. And this why we will do it.

This country has so much under used industrial capacity in our Auto Plants, Airplane Plants, Steel Plants and Electronics Plants to make America Energy Independent in 2 to 5 years. We can build enough windmills and solar power and wave generation energy plants to replace 90% of all of the electricity generated by COAL and NATURAL GAS.

For under $400 Billion we could build 400,000 windmills.

The Coal and Natural Gas saved by Green Replaceable Elecrrical Generation can now be used to make fuel for cars, trucks, busses, boats and airplanes, and or plastics, chemicals, fertilizers and pharmacuticals.

We need a comprehensive plan that puts America back to work in endeavors that benefit 99% of America and Cleans Up Our Environment.

Howard Scott Pearlman




  1. i think that would be a wonderful idea. put them everywhere.

    we could live forever. if you wanted...

  2. Windmills might seem environmentally benign untill you consider bird strike, noise, effect on habitat.  400,000 windmills will definately dispace some populations of animals and effect bird populations.

    Even 400,000 windmills, you would still need a lot more generating capacity to supply the US.

    We could convert to renewable energy, but it would cost a lot and there would still be consequences for the environment.

  3. It could. It also could help to replace your old light bulbs with CFLs...

    Check out our site. We are doing a major project in our Environmental Science class...

  4. I say - back to the drawing board.

    Windmills are great ideas, but only a part of solution.  You have to diversify.  Plus, Wind turbines are huge and ugly and you can't have trees around them.  There are places in the country (mojave, ca for example) that have wind farms cause there ain't nothing around them.  Good luck with putting any in Manhatten - or on the beaches of S. Florida.

    what about nuclear?  biggest bang for the buck and will understood technology.  do a little research into it - it isn't that scary if you actually understand it.  The folks that rail against are not being intellectually honost, just loud.

  5. to convert coal to gas is very expensive.  and where would you place the 400000 windmills?  Most places are already complaining about the noise, the birds that die and the lost 'views'

    In reality, we will kill ourselves.

  6. Your plan has some merit, but I see some short-comings.

    1) Making auto fuel from coal, while possible, is expensive and apparently produces even more greenhouse gases than our current petroleum process. It would be better to use the extra electricity generation capability to power hydrogen or electric (even pluggable hybrid) cars.

    2) It's best to not put all your eggs in 1 basket (as my farmer Grandfather used to say). There is strength in diversity, so our new energy generation facilities, in addition to wind, should include solar, tidal, geothermal, and even nuclear.

  7. Closed manufacturing plants quickly sell off machinerry and skilled machinists scatter to the four winds in search of work.

    Ridiculously high taxes ensure further offshoring of all manufacturing.

    Environmental constraints ensure US manufacturing won't ever be competitive.

    Nice dream, but not a likely solution.

    Our government wants to put illegals(slave labor) to work-not americans earning a living wage.

  8. I couldn't find a good source for Howard Scott Pearlman, but wind power is definitely going to be a strong tool in our energy arsenal.

    On the number of units needed, I don't know whether 100,000 or 500,000 would be appropriate.  This would be decided as part of a comprehensive program and to comply with treaties already in force, or reductions being targeted for the near future.

    I think a significant endorsement of wind power is in order, while trying to further reduce impacts to birds and other wildlife.  No sense solving one problem and creating another if we can avoid it.

  9. Not going to debate your figures, they may not add up, but the sentiment is clear. 400,000 windmills is not that many, not when spread over the whole USA. Do some sums, how many per sq km? And you mention other energies, so guess wave machines and geothermal etc can all go in the mix. All good ideas that will in time be built. Let us all hope that it is sooner rather than too late.

    Wind turbines in Manhattan? What a wonder full idea, on top of buildings where wind speeds are higher and they are out of the way. A bit of clever design and they will not look out of place, put them into vertical shafts/like cooling tower affairs, also reduces bird strike.

    400,000 x 10MW =4,000,000 MW, a reasonable power contribution.

    And converting coal to gas is cheap, but gas to liquid fuels, not quite so cheap. Better to come up with a cleaner more sustainable alternative.

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