
Can CPS take my baby because I smoked marijuana once?

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About two weeks ago my husband and I smoked a joint at our friends birthday party and someone found out and called CPS on us. Niether one of us drink beer or smoke and I really regret smoking that joint that night but it was our first time away from the baby since he was born (6 months ago). 4 days later CPS shows up and the lady was really nice and we were honest with her. She made us take the test and we failed for marijuana. Then she called me back yesterday (two weeks later) saying that I'm a bad mom and I can't take care of my baby when I'm getting high all of the time. (WTF!)

I don't get high all the time and we were at a friend house miles from here and had a baby sitter. Thing is, we are awesome parents. My husband has a great job as a graphic artist and I have a degree in child development.

So what will happen next?

Are they going to take my baby away for smokin g pot one time?




  1. Depends on the rules for your state and county. If they do, you can get your child back by following their directions of how to get your child back. However, I highly doubt that ONE joint smoked 2 weeks ago would produce a positive urine test. While it can stay in your system for up to 30 days, it is will probably need to submit to another drug test, or perhaps multiple drug tests, to keep your child.

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