
Can Camilla be Queen since she is divorced?

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If so, why did Edward abdicate for Wallis Simpson? I am confused.




  1. I don't know about the legalities involved, but since Charles himself is divorced I can't see the problem. She probably won't end up being queen though but remain a duchess or consort.

    Times were different when Edward abdicated for Wallace Simpson. And she was an American as well not just divorced.

    But yes, its confused me too, should probably read up on it ;P

  2. Yes, as long as Prince Charles of Wales is still scheduled to be crowned as the next King of the United Kingdom after Queen Elizabeth II, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall will be his Queen Consort. There were some discussion as to whether Camilla will be titled Princess Consort rather than Queen Consort, however, unless a specific Act of Parliament is passed to the contrary, she will, as a King's wife, legally be Queen, regardless of whether she uses that title or not.

    Now in the case of Wallis Simpson, when Edward ascended the throne as Edward VIIIi, he was in the company of the still-married Wallis. It was becoming apparent to court and government circles that Edward meant to marry her. The King’s behaviour and his relationship with Wallis made him unpopular with the Conservative British government, as well as distressing his mother and brother.

    The monarch of the United Kingdom is Supreme Governor of the Church of England — at the time of Edward VIII’s proposed marriage, and until 2002, the Church of England did not permit the re-marriage of divorced people with living ex-spouses. Accordingly, while there was no civil law barrier to King Edward marrying Wallis, the constitutional position was that the King could not marry a divorcée and remain as King (for to do so would conflict with his role as Supreme Governor). Furthermore, the British government and the governments of the Dominions were against the idea of marriage between the King and an American divorcée for other reasons. She was perceived by many in the British Empire as a woman of "limitless ambition", who was pursuing the King because of his wealth and position.

    Edward VIIII consulted with the Prime Minister on a way to marry Wallis and keep the throne. The King suggested a morganatic marriage, where the King would remain King but Wallis would not be Queen, but this was rejected by Baldwin and the Prime Ministers of Australia and South Africa.

    Rather than give up Mrs. Simpson, Edward chose to abdicate, making him the only monarch of Britain, and indeed any Commonwealth Realm, to have voluntarily relinquished the throne. He is one of the shortest-reigning monarchs in British history, and was never crowned.

  3. No. In an article I recently read about the British Royal Family, if or when Charles takes the throne, Camilla cannot hold the title of Queen. She is currently the Duchess of Cornwall. It is kind of similar to the situation between Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, although Camilla may be known as the Princess Consort, but in actuality, Camilla will not have any power over the British Monarchy. Queen Elizabeth has made it quite clear that Camilla will never actually hold the title of Queen of England if Charles eventually becomes King, basically because both have been married before and divorced by choice. Although being married and divorced will not directly affect Charles, it will affect the title that Camilla holds if Charles does become King.The British have their rules about who can actually become Queen if a King has previously been married. King Edward married Wallis Simpson but since his wife would never be accepted as a Royal monarch since she was American and divorced, that is why Edward chose to abdicate the throne. Charles will never abdicate. The situation will still be similar to Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. Elizabeth could have made Philip the King, but chose to remain a sole Monarch giving him a courtesy title. Queen Elizabeth has stated that when Charles ascends the throne and becomes King, Camilla will have a courtesy title only such as the Princess Consort. There are still strict rules concerning the Monarchy and since Camilla has no royal blood in her, she can never be Queen of England, whereas Diana would have become Queen through her marriage to Charles and Diana's ancestry traces back to the royal blood lines of a previous King of England. Camilla will have royal duties, not as the Queen of England, but as a Princess Consort who is married to King Charles.

  4. Times have changed ...............

    But I doubt that Camilla could Every reign

  5. Camilla can be queen. Divorced, not, doesn't matter.

    Edward abdicated for Wallis Simpson, not because she couldn't have become a queen, as she would have, had Edward waited till he was king before marrying her and then told the Brits to go f-- themselves, and made Wallis the queen. He didn't want to tell the Brits to go f-- themselves. He abdicated because he didn't want to give his people a queen they couldn't like - by abdicating he gave the people both a king and queen they already loved.

  6. Assuming that she is still married to Charles and he becomes king, she will become queen.  There has been a lot of talk if they will use the title Queen Consort for her or Princess Consort, but there is nothing legally preventing her from being called Queen.  Perhaps the only difference will be whether they play the full national anthem or only eight bars (as is customary for all members of the royal family) when she enters without Charles.  Either way, she will have no official duties.

  7. OMG

  8. Times have changed. Since the divorce rates are up all over the world,and in the royal family itself (the Queen's sister, Margaret, her daughter Anne,and her son, Andrew divorced before Charles)they have become a little more accepting.Camilla will be Queen Consort(but it has been written that she wants to be known as "princess consort").She has proven to be a loyal companion to Charles for decades.The problem with Wallis Simpson was that she was a TWO-TIME divorcee;people thought that she was an opportunistic gold digger who would eventually dump the King and disgrace any royal title that she bore.

  9. Wallis SImpson was in a different day and age (1930s) when divorce was extremely uncommon and it was unthinkable then for the King to marry a twice-divorced woman as his first wife.

    Charles himself is divorced and his ex-wife is no longer living, Camilla's ex-husband has also remarried. There is also no danger of Camilla and Charles having children who would be in direct line for the throne. There is also the fact that Charles had an affair with Camilla before either of them were married.

    It has been stated that Camilla will assume the title "Princess Consort" upon Charles's Ascension but she will legally be Queen whatever her title is.

  10. HRH Camilla Duchess of Cornwall can not be Queen!She is just the wife of HRH Prince Charles of Wales.

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