
Can Cats get Jealous?

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I have had this cat now for 2 years, found her in a parking lot as a kitten. I have always tried to give her a lot of affection and attention but she ignores it and just puts her nose in the air and will either walk away or swipe at me. She just lays around all day and sleeps, eats or poops. Never plays (I think I have bought her every cat toy in Petco) and never wants or likes to be petted. She was pretty agressive and would hiss and growl at people that come into my home. Up until now she has just sort of "existed" in my home. She is very healthy, goes to the vet about every 6 months, and is spayed with all her vaccines.

Anyways, not long ago I brought home two ferrets. Now all of a sudden she is purring, rubbing on me, playing with me, wanting to lay on me constantly, follows me from room to room, wants a ton of attention, and is nice to company I have over! She will let them pet her and enjoys it.

She is a completely different cat now! I am loving the change but is it just from jealousy of the new Ferrets? Is it going to last once the newness of the ferrets is gone? =)




  1. She probably is jealous, My cats always get jealous of each other when I pat the other one.  

  2. If you believe it or not cats can behave as humans. Its really weird but the can feel sadness, angry or even love. Well in this case your cat could feel jealous enough to change its behaivor and show you that she can be the only that needs attention at home.

    Cats are awsome and really intersting. Sometime we need to learn more about and understand why they do that kind of things.

  3. She can also be responding to the change in you, in your response to the ferrets. I was a downer to be around after losing my companion kitty.  Though I had other great pets, she was my heart kitty. Our remaining pets are old, require a lot of care (that I lovingly give), but there wasn't much hope in my heart. With a lot of deliberation, we adopted two shelter kittens. It took awhile, yet I noticed my heart open in a way it hadn't for a long time, a re-engagement with life.

    Cats can definitely feel jealous, but it sounds more like, even though you provided a loving, safe haven, she still felt abandoned. it's also possible she's had experience living with other animals, and having the ferrets around mimics a more comfortable experience for her.

    I'm SO glad you took her in and are now a ferret parent, too.

    By the way, the one Petco toy that all my cats love is the wand with the long felt tail (like a kite's tail).


  5. Yes.

  6. O ya all animals get jealous....But your cat will keep getting jealous the more you play and pay attention to your ferrets. I have a dog, he always gets jealous when I used to have a hamster and played with him. Just watch out and dont get the ferrets near the cat. Jealousy can lead to the cat attacking the ferret.

  7. Yeah when I was a baby my mom had a black cat that envyed me had soon has I was born it use to hiss at my crib and try to scrath me she always had to keep us in separte rooms.

  8. well if the other cat is invadeing their home or just was adopted and put in with them they wont like it because its thier home thier castle for them so they can have all the attion when bringing another cat in the one you had b4 the new one will think you will only pay attion to the other.      YES cats do get jealous and if u bring another cat in they might fight like crazy thats what happend to me so watch out.

  9. Oh, Yea - she's jealous alright.  Your cat is exhibiting ownership behavior.  For 2 years now, she has been THE BIG KAHUNA and this is good.  Not all cats are interested in playing esp. with humans.  Since she isn't  much of a play kitty, she set the ground rules and all is well for two years.  

    Then to her obvious horror, you bring other creatures to her home. Since you enjoy the interlopers, she got to get your attention back.  How does she do that?   She starts playing and loving and stuff.  You are her one and only while the ferrets are playmates.  

    It didn't take long for your girl (and she is yours) to figure out what she's need to do if she wants to be part of the new family.  Unlike humans, cat don't normally dis a good time.  I believe if she felt threatened by the ferrets, she would have attacked them.  Ferrets are no slouches, but you don't need the medical bills.  

    After that's all said and done, it may be she wanted a companion closer to her size.

  10. animals do get jealous

    when they dont get as

    much attention as they used to  

  11. yeah, all animals can get jealous!

  12. She sure is jealous.

    After awhile she'll get use to the new pets, and be back to her old self.

  13. sounds like jealousy, but part of it may also be fear. cat's define there safety zones and territory by smell, and ferrets have a very distinctive fragrance, even we humans have no trouble detecting it. the new animal in its territory may be making her a tad uncomfortable, and she is seeking protection and reassurance from the Big Unfurry Cat (you)

    while she is getting adjusted take the time to suck up a little, offer treats, pet her, play with her, might be a great chance to bond
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