
Can Ceiling Cat make a cheezburger so juicy even he can't haz it?

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Can Ceiling Cat make a cheezburger so juicy even he can't haz it?




  1. Ohai!  Sumtymes, but den a goggie nomnom da Ceiling cat...  okthanxbye!

  2. I hate to break it to you, but what you're eating isn't cheeseburger.

  3. dowt cat iz in ur brayn, maykn ur dowts hevy n steelin ur joosiz.

  4. Traditionally and spiritually dear, Ceiling Cat is interested in your masturbation habits, not in cheeseburgers...

  5. im in ur qestion

         mezzin up ur answrs

  6. Yes.  What the great creator ceilling cat cannot do is creat a boulder so big he can't hear it falling in the forest.  

    However, juicey cheeseburgher are easily within his purview.  And the other cats (which he created) are there to help with his liftovers.

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