
Can ColourBlind Get Driving License in UAE?

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I have heard a lot about UAE, Dubai being strict with Driving License, I am to work in Dubai in coming time and of course my job makes me travel a lot, so driving will be an option, i dont prefer local transport..

I have my local country license but in Dubai I will have to go for UAE license, this is true..

I am Colour blind, and this makes me nervous, as I have heard that they take some eye test, and a colour blind person is not entertained for UAE driving license.

I am doubtful whether this is true or false, If true then it means colour blind people cannot drive in UAE, I understand the signals though..

To summarise is it that their is some option for colourblind people to get the permit..or stay away from car ..




  1. Yes they can..........

  2. not sure call dmv

  3. it depends on what form of color blind...there are those who distinguish no color at all and others that can't tell red from green...good luck to you

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