
Can Compost be laid on dirt?

by Guest62960  |  earlier

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I'm making a compost pile and i dont know if im supposed to like...lay a tarp down or if i can make the compost straight piled on the dirt. Will the dirt under it mess it up?





  1. Yes you can lay it on the dirt............the dirt under will just allow the worms and whatever to get started sooner. I usually add a little soil sweetner and lime........depending on what you put in the winter I sometimes lay a tarp on it and keep the heat working in it.........if you like fishing should be filled with worms in about a year.......if you put the tarp down......they will be right under the tarp come fishing season..........all the grounds...banana peelings are all good.......egg shells......whatever.......soon you will have lovely soil for anything you like.   Have fun

  2. Yes straight on the dirt is best. Take a look at a compost bin you'll always find they are bottomless. You need to let worms and other little creature get in and do their work. While you are weeding your borders if you come across a worm sling it straight on the heap I do. The more the merrier. Helps speed up the process naturally.

    If you've got an open pile though just be aware of small animals making their home - hedgehogs etc.

  3. I compost right on top of the soil and have never had any problems.  If you put the compost on a tarp, the rain may not drain properly and the compost materials could get too wet.

  4. Yes. It is the best place for it as the creature that mince up the compost for u eg. worms will migrate easily from the dirt. Try and keep it to a specific area though so it does go all over the place.

  5. It's better to lay it on the ground and when you add food scraps, add some soil and dry matter (leaf,hay,wood chips).About 5 times as much dry matter to food scraps. Make the pile about 3" thick ,3" wide and 3" high , it can be bigger. This keeps the heat in and helps it break down faster.

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