
Can Consumer Protection be used to stop phoney socialism?

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Do you think that consumer protection could be used to stop phoney socialism, phoney anarchism.

For example, re George Woodcock's "Anarchism" and all previous phoney socialist, phoney anarchist literature.


There is no law against ideological deceit, political philosophical deceit such as marxism and phoney socialism. Therefore we should use consumer protection to try and stop phoney socialism. Take an example, George Woodcock's "Anarchism." The publishers of this book should be asked to cease the publication of this book. It doesn't inspire or enlighten. it doesn't reveal the true nature of the political reality. This book doesn't reveal that the so-called Russian anarchists for example were White Russian Royalists. If the publishers of this book are watching gymnastics on the television they surely know that you need God's power to perform gymnastics.




  1. 1) no

    2) If you believe your thoughts to be beyond his (gorge) "fakery" then you are wrong, we are all playing the same game and unfortunatly (for some people) this involves first and foremost the basics needs of man food+shelter+land=BABIES and therefor indirectly money    

    3) you might want to lower your bar on the what is acceptable scale because you are going to meet a lot of people who don't  even play that game and simply do not care. you are a sopheist.

  2. Your supposed "consumer protection" constitutes nothing more or less than censorship of views that you do not like.

    Your example, George Woodcock's excellent book on Anarchism, is particularly poorly chosen. I recommend the book to all readers.


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