
Can Crepe Myrtle grow and survive in Central Ohio? If so, how can it be cared for?

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Can Crepe Myrtle grow and survive in Central Ohio? If so, how can it be cared for?




  1. crape myrtles can survive to negative 10 fahrenheit. if you live next to0 or very close to the great lakes, or in the soutern potions of tha state then you have a good chance for survival.

    if you may or may not have the winters to be warm enough for your plant, or maybe your plant will survive a warm winter then you should plant next to your house and maybe even cover it when temps are forecast to go -7

  2. Most Crape Myrtle's are cold hardy to Zone 6 only. Here is a link to the zones in Ohio

    Check out your location for cold hardiness. Information on the Crape Myrtle can be found here:

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