
Can Derek acorah communicate with spirits or is it a big con?

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Can Derek acorah communicate with spirits or is it a big con?




  1. i think his performance it's called show business or entertainment

  2. In my opinion, he may have some abilities but has succombed to the pressure of the spotlight.  It has been proven on more than one occasion that he has been fed information prior to an event or performance.

  3. hes a con man

  4. He's been proved a fake many times [just google]

    If people were really able to do such things we wouldn't still be searching for Maddie.

  5. I think he's a phony.  Especially when so many "entities" enter his body and speak through him, it's quite funny.

  6. Not sure one way or the other, but he should be off the TV for simply having a bad hair do, and really bad dress sense.

  7. He communicates with Vodka and Whiskey quite often which is why he rambles on in such a bizarre manner.

  8. Totally a con.

    Ghosts are not real.  Spirits are not real, at least not on our plane of existence.

  9. I'm still not sure, i just think he seems like a really nice bloke, lol. I saw him in Yates in croydon once but I was scared to approach him because his minder looked intimidating!

    When he's being 'possesed' it does seem a little over the top and rehearsed, but then I've never seen someone being possessed so I wouldnt know!

  10. i think it's a con, but hey it makes good tv. just watching them make stuff up as they go along makes me laugh. (oh my god the table just moved by itself... not really someone just wasn't looking where they were going and kicked it.)

  11. He makes me soooo angry as what he does, which is totally fake, discredits everybody.  In fact the show is just appalling, and is no nearer to genuine spooks than lettuce is to chocolate!

    I tried to watch one show they did on Pendle Hill, which is where I live.  Lordy, it was bad.....

    Just wish that there was a national body and mediums had to be board certified before they could call themselves that.

    Bah.  Humbug.  Was that a floorboard creaking?

  12. apparently he's very good in large auditoriums with getting facts about peole and their ancestors

  13. I don't think for 1 minute that this a con becuz der are things that science cannot explain an where does he get this information about ppl

  14. I believe it is a con and a well rehearsed bit of acting. He has a talent for scaring his co hosts and I think that's the attraction. Everyone likes a bit of thrill/scare. that's why we go on scary fairground rides. I watched an American clairvoyant show on TV as part of my studies for advice and guidance. When you know where to look, you can spot the way in which the the presenter is able to glean little bits of information from an otherwise distressed member of the audience who may not be thinking clearly. In normal circumstances it would be laughable but to someone recently bereaved it is a glimmer of hope. Its distressing to watch but a real eye opener into how the interviewer/ compare /presenter can influence the way we think. Sorry to go on so much.

  15. some times i think it is one big con but some times he comes out with things wich are secret where he found a skeleton behind a wall they toock it down and he was right

  16. Def a con.

  17. He's been exposed. This article should settle it for you.

  18. i think he's a very strange man who believes he can talk to spirits but it's actually imaginary voices in his head. but that's just me. my mum thinks he's great.

  19. Believe what you will, but personally I think he is genuine. I have read 2 of his books and seen his tv programmes and simply cannot believe that it is just an act. At times he has genuinely put his body on the line with this work. The spirits appear to channel through him, and the information he can produce at times is`nt information you could easily research.

    He is the real deal !!!

  20. I think he should be arrested for fraud.

  21. have you seen the show that he was on? he was definitely exaggerating maybe if it only happened to him once then it would not have gotten to the point where no one really believes him but he decided to take it to the EDGE... so fake so exaggerated. I think even people who believe in psychics don't believe that phony.

  22. i think he can but as for doing it on demand for the camera i think he may make it up some times as the spirit world dont run on livings schedule

  23. its a big con, just like any medium. No medium can communicate with the dead, because dead people do not walk around on earth amonst the living.

    If he was being possessed, it would be by demons, and he would be in a world of trouble, especially when he died and spent eternity in h**l.

    Lucky for him he is just putting on an act to get ratings for his show.

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