
Can Disney Channel please stop making Music-Based Movies?

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Can Disney Channel please stop making Music-Based Movies?




  1. While I totally agree with you, every disney movie ever made is a musical. Well, kind of. They always sing in them anyway. But now they sing too much. And the dancing. Ick! Most television programs are going downhill these days. Very sad. I wish they'd bring back some of the classic shows for a while.

  2. yeah i know. its really stupid like hsm and that stupidd camp rock and that one corbin blu movie. they were all like musicals and its so stupid

  3. Yeah I know, all they are showing lately are these stupid cheetah girl movies! my son loves disney and i used to enjoy the programs with him but lately its all musicals what with the high school musicals, camp rock the jump rope thing and now all the time with the cheetah girls thing! Cant they just show more of the good 30 minute programs which are usually all re runs lately anyway, even my son is getting tired of watching the same 3 episodes over n over again

  4. I know right

    first it was super heros then sports now music

  5. Oh come on! Musicals are great... except for all the stupid singing and dancing! Lol. JP!

    I know, I hate them!

  6. I think they should stop making everyone on the disney channel a singer. They want to be actors not singers. They aren't even singing and if they are they are horrible singers. I agree with you 100%

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