
Can Emma go to a Catholic Church with Kendall ?

by Guest66998  |  earlier

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  1. I have been married 25 years - my husband is C of E, I am Catholic. We were married in a Catholic Church, raised our children Catholic, and he is welcome anytime to all church functions (and he has even volunteered to help when possible). All are welcome. You may hear people of other faiths make false accusations about the RCC - but you will never ever hear false accusations come from the RCC about any other faith. I hope Emma enjoys her experience.

  2. Why not?

    I was born into C of E faith.

    My choice of church, when I want to go, is any Catholic Church rather than anything else.

    Catholics have always been very welcoming; they don't mind you asking any questions, voicing opinions or even making direct comparisons.

    Give them a chance to show you just how friendly and caring they can be and enjoy the differences - good thought-provoking stuff!  

    Supporting Kendall would be appreciated by both K and the Church I am sure.

    No-one will try to convert you!


  3. Anybody is welcome at a Catholic Mass. Only Catholics can receive communion but they welcome everyone to their worship services.

    God Bless

  4. Yes.

    Everyone is welcome to worship in a Catholic Church.

    Thank you for showing respect by asking. And welcome.


    • If you feel comfortable then pray and sing with the rest of the congregation.

    • Sit and stand when everyone else does.

    • If you feel comfortable kneeling during the Consecration then do so, otherwise sit.

    • Out of respect do not to receive Communion, according to local custom, and only if you wish, you may approach the altar with your arms crossed over your chest to receive a blessing.

    Here is an outline of the Mass:

    • Introductory Rites

    .   • Entrance (All stand)

    .   • Greeting

    .   • Act of Penitence

    .   • Kyrie Eleison (Latin for "Lord have mercy")

    .   • Gloria

    .   • Opening Prayer

    • Liturgy of the Word

    .   • First Reading - usually from the Old Testament (All sit)

    .   • Responsorial Psalm

    .   • Second Reading - usually from a New Testament Epistle

    .   • Gospel Reading (All stand)

    .   • Homily (All sit for the sermon)

    .   • Profession of Faith (the Nicene Creed) (All stand)

    .   • Prayer of the Faithful (prayers of petition)

    • Liturgy of the Eucharist

    .   • The Preparation of the Gifts - the bread and wine are brought forward and placed on the altar, our monetary offerings are also collected at this time (All sit)

    .   • The Prayer over the Offerings (All stand)

    .   • The Eucharistic Prayer - during this prayer the bread and wine change into the Body and Blood of Christ (Catholics kneel, visitors may kneel or sit)

    .   • The Lord's Prayer (All stand)

    .   • The Rite of Peace (We offer each other a sign of peace)

    .   • The Breaking of the Bread

    .   • Communion - non-Catholics are requested out of respect not to receive Communion, they may approach the altar with their arms crossed over their chest to receive a blessing (Stand or kneel according to local custom)

    • The Concluding Rites

    .   • Announcements (All sit)

    .   • Blessing (All stand)

    .   • Dismissal

    .   • Procession

    For more information, see the General Instruction of the Roman Missal:


    With love in Christ.

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