
Can Empaths physically hear matters of the heart.?

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A close friend of mine is an empath and recently he has experienced noises. He claims he was alone in his room and like a switch (No windows opened) he could hear people walking by his building, laughing, he could hear people clear as day conversating from some where, he could hear people crying, could hear kids, all these different sounds from a distance like he was right there next to them. What do you think it could be? I said maybe he feel asleep and starting dreaming but he said it got so over whelming inside that he just was like stop, and it did he didnt hear anything any more. IS this crazy or what is it? Thanks




  1. Yes, your friend is psychotic and can not distinguish dreams or idle thought from reality, and so are you if you believe him.

  2. Hmm, let me guess: your friend is about 15, emo, and starved for attention.  Does that about sum it up?  No, I'm not psychic, you just threw out some key phrases like "he was alone in his room" and that he claimed he "could hear people walking by his building, laughing..." which is the type of thing that a lot of emo kids will say to get attention.  In fact, studies show that over 70% of people who believe they are psychic are between 13 and 17 years of age and either female or emo (or both!).  Also people who use the word "empath," especially those who capitalize it, are saying more about themselves than any psychic person could ever pick up on.


    Oh, sorry.  If he's 35 and a close friend of yours, then be a true friend and tell him to grow up.  He should have stopped believing in magic years ago.  I'm sorry if I sound mean, but it's for his own good.  Empaths are no more realistic than psychics, clairvoyants, telekinetics, telepathics, fairies and unicorns.  The world simply doesn't work that way.

  3. Yes it's crazy.I hope you're not buying into this obvious scam.It's a variation of the old"I'm troubled"routine.The weight of the world is on his shoulders.He's so sensitive,concerned and troubled.OH PLEASE!!!!!!!

  4. I am an Empath, but I have never heard the sound of the human heart....  I have felt the others' emotional pain through my physical pain when I am talking to them.....  I have to strengthen my abilities more with meditation, but yeah....  It is definately a hard ability to have....  Also I believer your friend is a sensitive and an empath....  I am a healer....  I hope this helps somewhat....

  5. If he is indeed perceiving such noises I can think of a far more reasonable explanation than being an empath.

  6. Empaths can feel pain, joy, fear, lay,if you can read people minds it's other ability or he could exp OBE trust me it's real everybody can do it

  7. wow, how cool would that be. i can tune into people quite well but this is wild!

  8. Sounds like he's a Sensitive.  I feel sorry for him if he's an Empath. I don't think many people can handle that. I think I am..for animals..and I'm not handling it very well at all. What hurts the most is when you feel them suffering and you can't do anything to help them...and the people who are mistreating them don't feel any empathy at all for them..or any remorse. But, I guess it's the same for humans who mistreat others...they even laugh about it and are proud of what they do to hurt others.

  9. What your friend "heard" wasn't anything different than what goes on in our daily lives.

    One can clearly see the expression on ones face whether they are happy or sad. Approachable or not.

    Same with body language.

    How do you think John Edwards does his "readings" other than by close observation and reading body language?

  10. He sounds really sensitive.... alot more than I am at least, I don't know any other empaths off the top of my head but I haven't got that bad yet so I couldn't tell you if it's normal or not.  probably is for majorly sensitive telepatic empaths

  11. Hmmm, that IS interesting. Sounds like he's a very strong telepath. Telepathy I've noticed tends to go along with empathy (and have had other empaths tell me the same thing); they're very similar. So when he asked for it to stop, someone (his guides most like) helped him to cut the connection and/or helped him to block it (one of my guardian angels, my protector, can do this for me).

  12. Hello

    An Empath will emotionally feel.

    If he is hearing then that is Clairaudience or imagination.


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