
Can England have referendum to leave the United Kingdom?

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Scotland want to have a referendum to go independant in 2010.

Could we have one in England in 2009 ?

It would be so much simpler.

We'd save all that money that goes to subsidise Scotland, Wales and NI.

Scotland especially are just wasting the money up there. You can't believe they are now paying themselves £150 to give up smoking. As if nicotine addiction is about money.The average smoker would save £1650 on cigs a year by giving up. So £150 isn't going to change them. They'll just smoke again after they've got the money. It's a joke.

We'll just vote to leave the UK. We'll keep our Royal Family, excellent tourist revenue generator. The Independant Republic of Scotland can just report to Brussels. They've got their Parliament building and Scottish Nationalists.

What would change for the English? Nothing - we'd just have to pay less tax. They can have Gordon Brown back as well.

Bring it on !




  1. you asked this one yesterday. and by the by there are more English mp's in the house of Commons than Scottish. Irish or welsh ones put together. i guess you will have to look at your own people if you are not getting the results you like. and your royal family? your fact's are as bad as the very ignorant Americans we get on here. do you even bother to get off your backside and vote? ( and no i don't mean the big brother one )

  2. People in Scotland have a very good point - everybody says that Scotland does not contribute to the UK economy. However, the North Sea Oil Fields are technically within their borders, so you have to take that into account when working out their "worth".

    Personally, Scotland isn't the problem - I think most people in Scotland realise that being part of the UK is in their interests, and most people in England think likewise. However, what does Wales contribute? Not a lot. If anyone can tell me one thing that Wales contributes to the UK, I'd be amazed.

  3. In theory England could have a referendum if it was passed as an act of Parliament, although that is unlikely to happen.

    On a more technical matter, Scotland is a net contributor to the UK. 95% of the North sea Gas and Oil is in Scottish waters, so if Scotland leaves the UK, does does that revenue source. Recent Government reports have acknowledged that Scotland's financial commitment costs less per head than that of England. The Adam Smith insitute also recognises that a low taxation independant Scotland would be a "economic tiger" and attract investment on the scale of Suadi Arabia.

    Lastly the #150 to give up smoking is a nonsense, it just doesn't happen.

    The Royal family would remain as head of state in an Independantly Scotland, just as they do in Canada and Austrlia. Remember the Union of the crowns predates the union of the parliament by 100 years

    Scotland would indeed become a full and active member of the EU, Scotland is  amodern democratic nation in the European tradition and we would benefit greatly by adopting the full European agenda of mainstream Europe, England of course can continue to exclude herself, deluding herself over past glories if she wishes

  4. Its a good question and one that England needs to address - Scotland is capable of supporting itself, and I guess the rest of the UK would be to.

    The major flaw in the "tourist revenue generator" in the Royal family is that their line of ancestry is Scots - The Scottish King James taking the English Throne when Elizabeth died in 1603, so they would remain as part of the UK separate from England.

    The money you think you'll save in tax can go to rebuilding the armed forces - 40% of whom are Scots (60% of the SAS) and things like a DVLA centre which would remain in the UK

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