
Can Fannie Mae foreclose on the White House?

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Would you be surprised if the U.S. Congress had approved a secret mortgage on the Capitol and Countrywide was ready to foreclose? Maybe that is the best way to get those crooks out of there. Foreclosure! Just padlock the whole place. Call for a lockout.




  1. Not likely, since there is no mortgage on the White House.

    The government has other tricks up it's sleeve.

    For Example:

    The American Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008 is over 100 pages long.

    Why does it have to be so big?

    Easy, because then they can bury provisions in the bill such as:

    The Federal Government is to "Track, Aggregate, and Report" on ALL credit and debit card transactions to the IRS.

    If this bill is passed, then we get more and more government spying on our personal business.

    That's what's really going on.

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