
Can Feliway be harmful to my ferret?

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I'm going to be using Feliway for my cats, and I also have a ferret. I'm wondering if it might be harmful in any way to her (my ferret)?

Does anyone know?




  1. It shouldn't be harmful.  It's a cat pheromone, so it shouldn't affect a ferret in any way.  

  2. idk about cats but.,....

    my dog attacks my ferret and he runs for his life he is scared of her i think it all depends on there personalities. test to see if they get along watch them play. if they dont keep them away from each other. in serperate rooms even floors ! while one animal is out keep the other one away. and then take the other animal out after the other 1 is done playing..well thats what i do ( i hope you get this kbye)

  3. ethyl alcohol is the main ingredient, not really a product you want your ferret to get a hold of.  (cat pheromones only make up less than 10% of the products ingredients - those i wouldn't be worried about. it's the other 90% i'd keep the ferret away from.)

    i don't see where it specifically says anything about ferrets on the Safety Data Sheet (below), but if you are using a plug-in one, i'd unplug it when the ferrets are near it. inhaling the mist or cleaning themselves after it gets on them may be a problem. if you are using a spray to put on items, i'd let it dry before letting the ferret on it. the company's 800 phone number is on there -it may be worth calling them and asking about the product's relative safety to small animals like ferrets.

  4. if feliway is cat food no its not harmful but if its like a flea tick medicine than yes. Or if its a shampoo then no  

  5. cats are predators.they dont like anything smaller than them

    can u help me with my kitten situation?i just got one 2day;...

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