
Can Flaxseed oil cause constipation or Diarrhea??

by  |  earlier

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Gosh this is so confusing! one site says it has high amounts of fiber and can cause intestine blockage and constipation, another site says it can give diarrhea!! which is true??? anyone tried it?? if yes, how much did u try?? mg ?




  1. Every time I try to consume flax seeds (small quantities like sprinkled over soup or in a fruit smoothie for ex.) I get severe constipation. The only thing that helped me with my constipation was avoiding meat.

  2. I have just started taking 2 table spoons of flaxeeds daily, one in the morning and one in the evening. I am now constipated and eventhough I drink a reasonable amount of water, I still think my constipation has something to do with flaxeeds. Any ideas?

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