
Can France remain a first-world country with all that's going on there?

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Immigrants are unhappy as an underclass, four-day work weeks, too much social welfare and taxes -- the one plus is that population growth is low.




  1. -France is the 5th richest country in the world, and the 3th most powerfull.

    -Immigrants are certainly happier than in their country

    -The french have an average work time of 38H, even if the legal period is 35H and they work 5 or 6 day a week

    -As the UNO said in a survey, France has the most efficient healthcare system in the world and we are very proud of that cos everyone can go at hospital without a credit card (for info the USA are 57th at this survey)

    -And France's population growth is the 2nd faster in Europe after Ireland (on 27 countries)

    So please stop saying bullshit and get informed cos you're an ignorant (and sorry for my english but I think you don't speak french better)

  2. I think France is a third-world country - is that ok ?

    Just one thing : now my award in euros please

  3. France, like every country, has problems that it will have to resolve. Whether those problems are the ones you name is debatable.

    All the countries of Western Europe are grappling with the conflict between their humanitarian desire to give refuge to people fleeing poverty, oppression or both and the apparent unwillingness of many of these people to accept the very values which caused these countries to admit them in the first place.  How Europe will deal with these intractable new minorities with their primitive social and religious notions is a major concern.

    Whether there is "too much" social welfare or if the taxes required to support the system of government funded social programs are "too much" is a matter of opinion and a matter of cultural choices that can vary from country to country.

    It seems to me that both Americans who condemn the French system or Frenchmen who attack the American system are all being narrow minded, culturally tone deaf and blind to the fact that there are balancing positives and negatives to both systems.

    France is a major player in world affairs and will doubtless continue to be so for the foreseeable future. Its contributions to every aspect of the modern world are such that it is simply inconceivable that it will  not.

  4. I encourage you to learn about France in other ways besides narrow minded right wing George Bush Fox News type media.

  5. um yeah what the people up above said......

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