
Can GM temps collect unemployment when they are no longer needed?

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My husband is a GM temp in Michigan who was hired in mid-June. There is a rumor going around that there may be a layoff at the end of September. My husband earns $14 an hour and has worked 40 hour weeks since he has started, he even worked overtime. I am including that because I know that there is a dollar amount that you must reach before collecting. Does anyone know if he will be eligible for unemployment if there is a layoff at the end of September?? Can temps collect? Has he made enough money to collect?




  1. Check with the employment office, but I think not.

  2. If he's a temp, probably not.  Temps know that they do not have a solid job and can't ask the government for help when they are let go.

  3. "The UIA will look at your standard base period to determine if your earnings qualify you for

    unemployment benefits. The standard base period includes the first four of the last five completed

    calendar quarters prior to when you filed your claim. The four calendar quarters in a year are:

    January – March, April – June, July – September and October – December.

    If you cannot qualify based on your standard base period, the UIA will check your earnings in the

    “alternate” base period, which is the four most recently completed calendar quarters.

    There are two ways in which your earnings may qualify you for unemployment benefits:

    • “Regular” qualifying method: (a) For benefit years beginning 1/6/2008 through 1/3/2009,

    you must have wages in at least two quarters in your base period. In one quarter, your wages

    must be at least $2,774; and (b) total wages for all four quarters must equal at least one and a

    half times the highest amount of wages paid in any quarter of the base period. ($2,774 x 1.5 =



    • Alternate Earnings Qualifier (AEQ): (a) You must have wages in at least two quarters; and

    (b) total wages for all four quarters must equal at least 20 times the state average weekly wage

    (SAWW). For 2008, the AEQ amount is $16,400.80. [20 x $820.04 (SAWW) = $16,400.80]

    Eligibility requirements

    To be eligible for unemployment benefits, you must be unemployed and able to, available for, and

    actively seeking suitable full-time work. Unless instructed otherwise by UIA staff, you must also

    register for work within two to three business days of applying for benefits by filing your resume

    with the Michigan Talent Bank and by reporting to your local Michigan Works! Agency service


  4. well, i think that it all depends on how you're terminated that decides if you can collect unemployment. a layoff is not a termination. in addition, it doesn't matter if you husband is a temp, it all depends on how his employment contract is worded. if he is an "at will" employee, no he cannot collect anything. they could walk up to him at anytime and dismiss him. another thing, if they did that they have to have his to the moment paycheck available or the company will be penalized. they will be responsible for paying him his regular pay up to the point they provide him his check. make sense?

    if he is a contract employee then he may be compensated for early termination of his contract. if you want some really concise answers, go the EDD website.

  5. He is a temp.  Temporary Employee.   Temps can not collect.

  6. I'm not sure whether or not you would qualify.  I wouldn't think a temporary employee should be able to collect unemployment--by definition that's what you expected when you took the job.  It seems strange to ask your community for help when you "lost" your job but you really knew when you took the job that it wasn't going to be around forever.

    You might be able to qualify but it's definitely abusing the system.  I hope you don't try to collect tax dollars that are meant for people in a much different situation than you are.

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