
Can Gaara control sand anymore. How?

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Can Gaara control sand any more after the Akatsuki extracted Shikaku from him? If so, how?




  1. Yeah,he can still control sand using his chakra but the technique

    is weaker than before.The shukaku gave him power to protect

    himself from being attack but now he has to take care of himself.

    Ohh,he is still kazekage because he is still strong like Naruto.



  2. The demon's name was Shukaku. Shikaku is Shikimaru's father.

    Yes, he can still control sand, as that was not something that was unique to Shukaku. It's pretty common in the Sand Village. It just won't auto-protect him anymore, and he won't have as much chakra to work with.

    And yes, he would be weak now, as he has never learned to dodge attacks (he never had to before), so most Chunin would be able to take him pretty easily. But strength is not the only requirement for being a Kage.

  3. Yes, Garra can still control sand because he uses charkra to make it move and create jutsu. Though since shikaku is gone he doesn't have the sand that moved around and protected him without him moving a muscle because that was shikaku.

  4. yes he can .. there is a part where naruto and garaa want to say good by and garaa uses sand.

    the reason he could sand wasn't because of shikaku its just a jutsu that he uses,like naruto that uses rasengan. but now without shikaku he might have gotten weaker in using that jutsu and he has less chakra, and it probably wont protect him any more :D

    well we wont be sure if he is the kazekage or not now .. until we see it. but its most likely that he is still the kazekage.

  5. Yes, Gaara still can. Of course, he probably is a BIT weaker, and probably has considerably less chakra, but he still can. It's not BECAUSE of the shikaku, it's a jutsu. Of course, sand probably won't just move on its own for him anymore.

  6. Yes. When Naruto and the others leave the sand village, its seen that Gaara can still manipulate sand when he makes them shake hands. Other then that... he hasn't appeared at all so I'm not sure.

  7. He can still use it but unlike before the sand does not protect him automatically. He now is a little weaker but better off without the 1 tail.

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