
Can German universities expedite student visas in Germany?

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I am a Mexican citizen studying in the USA. I was recently accepted to German university through an agreement between my school in the US and the state of Baden-Wurttemberg in Germany. I applied for a student visa and the employee at the consulate told me it usually takes about 8 weeks to process. My classes will start in less than a month!! Someone told me that the university in Germany might be able to expedite the process... is this true?, even if expedited will I get my visa on time? has anyone been in a similar situation with a German student visa?




  1. I'm currently studying in Baden-Württemberg as a foreign student. But my situation wasn't as nearly complicated as yours. I'm from Canada and Canadians don't need a Student Visa to enter Germany as a student. I had to go register at the ''Ausländerbehörde'' (Foreigners Registration Office - where you'll also need to go once you get to Germany) and I then got my ''Aufenthaltserlaubnis'' (residence permit) on the spot.

    I think your situation is a little more complex since you're Mexican studying in the U.S. Remember that German bureaucracy is 1) slow and 2) very strict. You need to follow an exhausting order of rules in order to get what you want.

    I highly doubt the university will be able to accelerate the process, but you can take a chance and ask them, you won't lose anything.

    Question: Why haven't you applied for a student VISA earlier?

    I also think it's funny how your classes start in less than a month...when is that? Germany has no Fall Semester, only winter and summer. and the Wintersemester will start at the end of september/early october.

    de todas formas, suerte!

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