
Can Global Warming Alarmist prove these people wrong?

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Al Gore is getting sued by 30,000 scientists (founder of 'The Weather Channel').

Proof #2:

Al Gore's explainations against geolocial earth scientists'. This one's about 10 minutes. If you want to know the truth. Listen closely.

Facts are Facts. I would love to see debating videos.




  1. If you are looking for "facts" I would probably look somewhere other that "youtube" which is loaded with "opinion". The internet has thousands of factual web sites (as well as a lot of opinion)  to explore on the subject and you need to try be skeptical and avoid the ones that resort to using inflamatory terms such as "alarmist".  I think it is super that you are interested and I hope you stay that way!

  2. I could not agree with you more.

    It is sad to see how many alarmists refuse to accept facts and continue to try to discredit anything which does not fit with their belief.

    They will make ludicrous comments like John Coleman is only a meteorologist, and not a climatologist or that he is simply a weather presenter who can read an autocue, when he was one of the very first meteorologists, who knows much more about weather and climate, than the so-called  climatologists.

    Most of these alarmists were either not born when he first began weather forecasting when it was in its infancy, or were still in nappies.

    Thank you for the links, and keep your head screwed on.

    It is difficult with all of the lunacy today.

    I would love to see justice occur however justice seems to be determined by who can afford the best lawyers.

    So I shall live in some hope that justice will actually prevail in this case, although I am not going to hold my breathe!

    As you say 'Facts are Facts' but facts mean nothing to these fools.

  3. Your "Proof #1" is nonsense.  It is just John Coleman spouting off hot air.  He keeps talking about suing Al Gore, but he never does, probably because it would immediately get thrown out of court.  John Coleman is not a climate scientist, he is not a meteorologist, he is a TV personality. He minored in meteorology in college. These "30,000 scientists" contain very few real atmospheric or climate scientists. If you go to the website of these scientists, you'll find it's just a bunch of unqualified peopled that  have signed a petition over the course of 15 years or so. Edward Teller, perhaps the most famous of these scientists, died YEARS before the latest IPCC report came out, so he's hardly up on the latest science, and it's not his field anyway, his specialty was making bombs.

    I have to admit I didn't watch your other youtube video, it was difficult enough to stomach 5 minutes of John Coleman.  Perhaps you could find some real science references rather than youtube videos. You might try science textbooks or scientific journals.

  4. This is a misrepresentation of a "shaky" youtube information.

    Let me give you what is really meant:

    * John Coleman, a meteorologist (NOT a climatologist) wants to sue Al Gore

    * John Coleman uses as the OISM petition to claim he is followed by numerous scientists (please check the quality of the petition... surveys have been done about it to see if people were real, still shared this opinion, had a PhD in an adequate field, etc.)

  5. I am not an alarmist so I can't help. Is youtube your main source of factual information?

  6. Yes, but e don't have to"prove" a d**n thing.

    First,that "list of 30,000 scientists" is a fake. No real scientists "doubt"  man made global warming.

    Second, the man-made causes of global warming are proven facts.  There is no "debate" and nothing to "prove." The proof is already there.  

    Third, the so-called "skeptics" keep demonstrating their ignorance every time they start yapping "Al Gore this" and "Al Gorethat."  Gore is not a scientists and doesn't claim to be. ALL he has done is report scientific findings. The skeptics are so stupid they don't even know the difference--tey don't even know what a scientist is or does, as their continnued posting of that fraudulent list demonstrates.

  7. ARE YOU MAD?!

  8. Its a sad world when the only way the scientists can get there point across is to sue a figure like Al Gore and even then they could only get on Fox. And of course the pro AGW are never willing to debate, convenient.

    And second video, well its the word of a politician and business man against the word of the some of well respected scientists in their field.

    They would prove them wrong if they could be heard!

    Note: The second video is footage from Al Gores "an inconveniant proof" and "The great global warming swindle". Though it is a youtube vid, its not just here say.

  9. If you're interested in "facts", then my first suggestion would be to look someplace other than youtube.  Any clown can say any nonesense on a self-made video, posting it on youtube.

    We've been hearing about how Mr. Weather Channel's going to sue Al Gore for months. Show me a record of an actual legitimate lawsuit with real climate scientists names (preferably 30,000 of them LOL) associated with it, then you might have an interested topic to discuss. Until then, this is just another instance of Coleman spewing off to get attention and seem more important than he is.

  10. Don't try to argue with people's religious beliefs.  

    The bottom line is, Al Gore is a modern day L. Ron Hubbard.  People who are depressed and miserable have a realand desperate need to feel special, to have a reason for mattering, and they become easy prey for these kinds of scam religions.

    I do agree that it is frustrating (in the US) when they blatently violate the establishment clause and force everyone to pay for and agree with their religion.  I have no problem if they want to move out of their cities and out into the rural countryside and plant organic vegetables and kill their own goats and chickens, as a real and legitimate means of reducing their carbon footprint. But it's wrong to force everyone to follow along, even those people who understand that the sun does not really cross the sky in a big chariot each day.

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