
Can God create something he can't destroy?

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Can God create something he can't destroy?




  1. Only love can't be destroyed. God never made anything that can be destroyed.

    We are not our bodies.

  2. he can create and also destroy

  3. he does not exist  

  4. Evidently so, or why else would a god allow evil to exist?

  5. According to the bible, no.

  6. I always thought that if you are the creator you are also the other words if you created something, you would know how to destroy it.

  7. Your answer implies an error on its thinking. If a definition of God posses the omnipotence, then there is nothing in this universe and outside of it that that same God can't do, given its own definition itself.

    Therefore, your answer is non-answerable. By contrast, we all (including you, the asker) must keep silence on it. Or at least correct the basic mistake, which I guess I did.


    , you know,  

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