
Can Gorillas Swim? If not what about Chimps?

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Can Gorillas Swim? If not what about Chimps?




  1. Both gorillas and chimps avoid water and do not seem to be able to swim naturally.  When in reasonably good shape the average chimp and ape sink because their proportion of muscle to fat is high (muscle is much denser that fat and sinks, fat floats).  Most humans is reasonably good shape float (some people do not).

    They can be taught to swim a bit if their fear of water is overcome but it takes them a lot of effort to stay high in the water.

  2. It seems pretty unanimous that gorillas and orangutans cannot/do not swim, but apparently chimpanzees and smaller monkeys can, and many do.  The larger apes have a center of gravity in their upper torso, and they sink.

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