
Can Guinea foul be kept with chickens in the garden?

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I'm also interested in how to look after both. Thanks for your help in advance :)




  1. I love guinea fowl.  And chickens.  So, I have about a million of each and they do fine togehter  Though don't get a rooster!  My guinea's killed my last one-  they hate each other.  The hens will get along fine thought

  2. I keep my guineas with chickens.  However, you might have problems if you keep a guinea **** with a rooster.  They can (and will) fight.  We do not have any roosters around, our guineas get along great with our hens.

  3. Guinea fowl (not foul, sp.) can be kept in mixed flocks.  Guineas are popular with many breeders because they act as watchdogs and their loud calls can actually scare off coyote, raccoons and other predators.  However, their calls are very, VERY loud, especially at night when they are getting ready to roost, and if you aren't in a rural area, your neighbors are going to freak out and file nuisance lawsuits against you.

    Guineas also tend to wander much more than other more domestic breeds of poultry, and guineas in a garden will do some pretty serious damage to plants (both yours and your neighbors).  My friends' birds spend most of their time in the wooded areas of their properties or in the cornfields.  Unless you plan on keeping them in an aviary, they will wander.

    Care of both chickens and guineas is fairly similar, but too lengthy to include in one response.  Google guinea fowl and you should get some interesting websites from breeders and enthusiasts.

    I'm not a big guinea fan.  Even though I raise poultry, I'm actually pretty scared of guineas.  They're like weird little velocoraptors.  They remind me of the little dinosaurs in Jurassic Park.  Plus, my friend's flock didn't like my truck and would come running as fast as they could and surround me every time I pulled in the driveway.  Kind of freaky to have about 50 birds chase your vehicle down!

  4. i suppose you can, i do. the only thing is that some chickens will peck each other, and so will guineas. it probably wont kill them, but they will establish a pecking order. to look after them, make sure they have food, water, and a shelter to keep them out of the weather.

    good luck, have a great day!!!


  5. i think so

  6. mmhmm

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