
Can HD DVDs play on the Blu Ray or PS3 players?

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My husband and I aren't sure which to buy.




  1. ok its simple. Here's the rundown.

    Normal DVD Player- Plays normal dvds

    Upconverting Players- Plays normal dvds and upconverts the quality to a higher quality image.

    HD Players- Play hd dvds and normal dvds

    Blu Ray- Plays blu ray and normal dvds

    Combos- Plays hd, blu ray, and normal dvds.

  2. unfotunatly hd and blue ray are incomatable when it comes to ps3 blue ray uses a differant laser readwe to hd son only blue ray disks on ps3 you can by blue rayplayers that play both hd and blue ray pioneer modelbdp-lx70 price 1999dollers aus

  3. i think so, the box says HD DVD on it somewhere so it should

  4. No. HD DVD is a different kind of disk.

    You can only play them on something with a HD DVD optical drive. (Ex. HD DVD Player, Computer with a upgraded HDDVD Drive).

    Blu Ray can be played on anything that is Blu Ray compatible. (Ex. PS3, Blu Ray Player, Computer with a upgraded Blu Ray Drive)

  5. These are two mutually exclusive formats (with the exception of a few very expensive players that will play both formats).

    If you are trying to decide between the two don't let HD DVDs lower player price fool you.  A majority of the major film studios have signed to exclusively release films in the BlueRay format.  This means that the format war that has been going on for almost two years is over and BlueRay has won.  An HD DVD purchase now may, in all likely hood, yield a player which will be for all practical purposes useless two years from now.

    Microsoft has been flooding the market with low-cost (actually sold at a loss) HD DVD players in order to trick the consumer into buying an inferior product (BlueRay discs hold more than twice the information of an HD DVD disc).  A majority of people were not fooled (and neither were the movie studios) and BlueRay has emerged as the superior format with the best selection of titles.

    Many consider the Sony PS3 to be the premier BlueRay player.  Since it is designed as a gaming console it has quicker load times and beefier interior components.  Just like a stand-alone BlueRay player it is capable of true 1080P and uncompressed digital audio.  At $400, it is the same price as entry level stand-alone BlueRay players.

  6. The blu-ray disc can only played on Playstation 3 (not on HD


  7. No, just like Betamax cant play VHS. They are entirly different formats. Go bluray though. Toshiba has cancelled their next line of HDDVD players as almost all the production companies are blu-ray. HD-DVD is toast, theyll be gone by the end of the year and any current HD-DVD exclusive will soon (few months)  also be on bluray disk, so if you want a specific movie only on HD-DVD (like the bourne series) just wait a bit and youll be able to bet it for your ps3/ BD player on bluray disk.

  8. Nope, HD and BR are totally different.

    HD has support of 5 of the 6 major Hollywood Studio's, whilst BR only has support of 3 of them, and since one of them is Sony, you may as well say 2 support it.

    Also, Microsoft support HD, and let's face it, when have Microsoft ever let something they've invest in go down the pan, which is why HD is the far better choice, (that and the PS3 is cack anyhow).

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