
Can HIV become more powerful when both partners have it?

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If a man has HIV and has s*x with another man with HIV, will the virus become stronger, are there any effects? What could happen.?




  1. The research showed that the men prior to HIV infection had unprotected intercourse acts with HIV-negative or HIV-unknown partners almost 75 percent of the time. Following diagnosis with acute HIV infection, they sharply altered their behavior to having unprotected anal or vaginal intercourse 97 percent of the time with other HIV-infected individuals.

  2. It is not necessarily more powerful, but what happens is it can create more medical problems. HIV mutates with in the body and HIV+ people developer resistance to their medications. When this happens if they are having unprotected s*x they can pass their resistance on to each other and cutting the effectiveness of their medications.

    I had tested a person that had been HIV- for years, had met the man of his life and because this person was well educated, my client felt he was "clean", well to spice up their s*x lives they borough a couple of other well educated men into the relationship. After 3 months of unprotected s*x the main partner said he forgot to tell my client he was HIV+ and so were the other 2 men. After my client tested HIV+ he also had some testing done for his resistance to medications. Before he even started on the medications he could use, he was resistant to half of the medication on the market at that point in time.

    So unprotected s*x between partners who are HIV+ can challenge the use of medications, and really put them at a higher risk for having the HIV become AIDS a lot sooner.

  3. its all about the diffrent starands they got  

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