
Can Hillary Win?

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If she does I'm Leaving this country.

She will destroy our country, we will become a socialist nation.

She will destroy education and abolish private institutions, she hates all forms off private enterprise and free market. She hates freedom of speech. She will strip us all down so we can be "Equal"

though some will be more equal then others.

Basically here is her platform

Upper-Mid class college taught citizen who EARNED a good job: Why Hello Mrs.Clinton

Clinton: Oh, So you worked hard and got an education to get a high paying job and support yourself.

Up Right Citizen: Thats right

Clinton: **** YOU, How dare you have a better life just beacuse you worked harder to achive it, you make too much money for yourself, here, You only need about this much to afford what we have to offer you, since you don't need that money well take it

Upright Citizen: But what will you do with my money

Clinton: This money belongs to lazy trailer park white trash and ghetto crack heads who did **** there entire life, they can't earn there own living beacuse "Its too hard..." so its only fair we take the money you earned and give it to people to lazy to work. after all they have so many kids that go to such an awful school

Upright Citizen: really, well theres a nice school just a few miles further from that trailer park and bad neighborhood. you could give them vouchers.that way they could get a better education then at the ranky school they happen to be closest too

Clinton: ARE YOU INSANE!!! Give people a choice in how to raise there children, people are too stupid to handle that!!! its so much work. Im trying to promote Racial Equality...people need help only because of the color of there skin.

If you care about America, Ron Paul 08

Okay, I don't like white Supremacists either, but let me get this straight, just beacuse something is under the constitution, that dosent mean that the govt needs to do it. and school of the Jihad, IN AMERICA WTF

WTF THERE SHE JUST SAID THAT SHE WILL KEEP TAKING MONEY FROM LOBBYIST!! "Because alot of those Lobbiest represent you" NO THEY DON'T and even if they did, why would you need money from them just to help people!




  1. You'd leave America? Where would you go? Every 1st world country already has universal healthcoverage. Will you go to another corporatist right-wing country like Mexico, ruled by Coke Exec. Fox?

  2. Hillary is way ahead of all the others. I would love to see her win and out perform all other presidents except maybe Lincoln, Washington and the Roosevelts. OOoh would you and others look silly. All the unfounded personal attacks would come back to haunt you. I am no Hillary fan but I am not going to lower myself to making personal attacks. I stick to the issues. I know you don't like issues because you'll lose every time so the personal attack is the way you think you can win. Well, it has backfired in 2006 and will backfire even more in 2008.

  3. Get your ticket RG.  Be sure it is for November 7, 2008.  Have fun in whatever country you decide to land.

  4. WE can only pray that the Republicans choose  a candidate who can beat her.  I do not like her socialist ideas either-people just don't get it that we do not want more power and money sent to the federal government- our tax dollars folks.  I have never trusted her.  She is arrogant and changes her opinions for political gain. And I do not want Mr C in theWhite House again.

  5. I really hope she can't.  Ultimately, I'd like to see her exposed for what she really is, but there are so many people "with power" allied to her, getting the truth out could be very hard.

    I do think though, that the polls over look "the real voters," and think that if more of us speak our mind on Hillary, we can ruin her chance at the White House.

    I honestly don't think there is a worse candidate... probably in our history.

  6. I a agree with u that if she is president then i am leaving . She don't know squat about the average american.  Let her get her lazy but out there and do a hard day's work.

  7. No need to get so worked up, there is no way the right will let her win, even if she gets enough votes.  I don't think she will even get close though.   Do you ever wonder why there is only 2 real viable parties and why the last two elections were questionable???  You need to start asking yourself these questions and try to imagine what the plan really is say, 10-20 years from now??????

  8. theres no way in heck that she will shes an idiot and ohhhh just dont get me started on hillary shes an idiot for running no ones gonna vote for her

  9. To answer you question, "yes" Hillary Clinton can win the Office of President in the United States if she earns the majority of the votes - this can be said of anyone who runs for President.

    Please feel free to vote for the candidate of your choice. I will vote for the candidate of my choice - that is how it works in this country - oh, I forgot, you are leaving this country if Hillary wins - let us know how that turns out for you.

  10. N O!!! I agree with the statement!!!

  11. Hillary Clinton can get nominated and get elected president becasue she's an astute politician.  You hold very strong views and don't believe the nations best interests would be served if she were president.  You need to participate in 2 ways.  Do your best to sure the candidate you want gets nominated and it seems like your a Republican.  Help other Democrats get the nomination so Hillary Clinton doesn't.

    One last thing if you go to a rally where you can question Mrs.Clinton keep your emotions in check.  If they tell you to leave than leave.  You seem like the kind of guy that might end up getting tased.
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