
Can Hillary get the nomination and will people think it is unfair?

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I will first say that I am a Hillary Clinton supporter. I want her to get the nomination and with Obama saying all of the stupid comments he has been making recently I think the case is being made that he is not going to be electable in November. Do you think Hillary will win big in PA and the other primaries yet to be held? Do you think she has a chance at the nomination? I don't want to argue, serious answers only. Thanks!




  1. it would be fair because obama is showing us how racist he really is and how out of touch he is with real amercia obama is were he is because he is black

  2. No matter which side wins the nomination the other side will say and probably believe they have been cheated. Witness Florida 2000. Recount after recount proved Bush won, the Demos still thought they were cheated. If they refuse to use common sense there is no hope for them.

  3. She _can_ get the nomination, through superdelegate support.  I believe this is why she has criticized Sen. Obama's "bitter" comment, and has been going out of her way to be seen as just "one of the people" (shot and a beer?  c'mon, seriously...).

    Sen. Obama has more pledged delegates, and Sen. Clinton is not going to match his numbers there.  But there's a catch... Sen. Obama has been working to gather support (and money) from the more liberal members of the Democratic Party.  However, that is not going to get him the votes of moderates, which he would need to win in November, especially against someone with Sen. McCain's track record of bipartisanship.  Conservative Republicans may dislike McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy, and the "Gang of 14," but the independents might be swayed by someone who appears as more of a centrist.

    Sen. Clinton's recent actions, on the other hand, seem to be a move to secure support from the center.  I believe her strategy right now is to convince the superdelegates that Sen. Obama could not win in November because he's too far to the left, but that she has enough center "cred" to be able to win.

  4. The only way she can win is if the superdelegates overturn the will of the people.

    After 2000, I'd hate to see my party do that.

  5. Yes!!!She can still get the nomination (super delegates)  and I hope she does.

    The Obama supporters will say it is unfair no matter how she gets the nomination.

  6. The plantation owners (super delegates) of the democratic party will decide for the little people.  The popular vote means nothing to those that said every vote counts.  Look at the numbers.  You can not get the nomination without the super delegates.  So either you get their support (remember Hillary had the 1100 FBI files) or you loose.

    I think the delegates just may vote for Edwards so no one wins on the first round.  This throws the convention in to turmoil and then Hillary can get the nomination on the second round and deflect some of that "OH but Obama got the popular vote that's UNFAIR"  It's called politics and the Clinton are either the best or the most ruthless at it.  Obama will sit down and take the promise of a second try from the elate and give nominally support to Hillary.

    Hillary will not do the same!

  7. As a life-long Democrat, if she win, I won't vote for her.

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