
Can Hillary still win it?

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Do you think Hillary can still win the Democratic nomination even though Obama is leading in the delegates?




  1. no sorry

  2. It's not a matter of CAN she win...She will win and will become the first ever President of a SUPER POWER country.

  3. hopefully not. sorry if you are for hillary but personally i think if she cared about america she would have dropped out early. the tension between her and obama is giving john McCain a bigger lead. no one wants a republican because then the draft starts. Barack Obama has a better chance and should win. He would be the better president.

  4. From the shores of India, we are not able to read any thing. The electoral system is rather confusing. Many of the Americans themselves have expressed doubt about the effectiveness of the system. Why so much fuss about the party nomination?

  5. Yes....Super Delegates, she has won the majority of Democratic States and Swing States showing that the base of the Democratic party voters want her, and Fl. & Mi., even though they say they will not be seated something will have to be done to keep these states from being disenfranchised otherwise the Democrats will not win the General election and more than likely some Democratic Senators and congresspeople will be losing their seats in upcoming elections.

  6. i do not think so.

    obama has enough expected votes to win it.

    but either obama wins, and we have a better democratic nominee, or clinton wins, and more people vote for mccain.

    win win, in my opinion.

  7. YES!

  8. It is possible.

  9. Yes, I believe she has the capability to win the Democratic nomination. But to do so, she must  convince super delegates that Obama cannot beat McCain in the general election, (which will undoubtedly happen if Obama wins the nomination.)

  10. Hopefully yes. That way, it will be that much easier for McCain to win it.

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