I am an inducted member of my zoned High School's Thespian troupe (I'm also an officer), but I decided (based on many factors) to home-school this year. At the time, I remember reading (though it isn't in the Thespian Handbook from what I can tell) that "home-school students may take part in their zoned high school's Thespian troupe if approved by the director" (paraphrased, but the same idea) so I didn't think it would be an issue, but today my director expressed concerns
that I wouldn't be able to compete in District and State competitions because i wasn't official enrolled at the high school (yeah, thanks for letting me know *now*).
So I suppose I'm asking whether or not any former or current Thespians are aware of anyone in this circumstance? I just know *tons* of home-schooled young actors in community theatre, so I'm thinking that I can't be the only one out there who wants to be a Thespian (well, *is* a Thespian). I don't mind stepping down from my officer position if that's what I have to do (even though I have no issues fulfilling all my duties and attending meetings and fundraisers), but I would hate for it to come to that if there are other options.