
Can Homeschool students become official Thespians?

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I am an inducted member of my zoned High School's Thespian troupe (I'm also an officer), but I decided (based on many factors) to home-school this year. At the time, I remember reading (though it isn't in the Thespian Handbook from what I can tell) that "home-school students may take part in their zoned high school's Thespian troupe if approved by the director" (paraphrased, but the same idea) so I didn't think it would be an issue, but today my director expressed concerns

that I wouldn't be able to compete in District and State competitions because i wasn't official enrolled at the high school (yeah, thanks for letting me know *now*).

So I suppose I'm asking whether or not any former or current Thespians are aware of anyone in this circumstance? I just know *tons* of home-schooled young actors in community theatre, so I'm thinking that I can't be the only one out there who wants to be a Thespian (well, *is* a Thespian). I don't mind stepping down from my officer position if that's what I have to do (even though I have no issues fulfilling all my duties and attending meetings and fundraisers), but I would hate for it to come to that if there are other options.




  1. You are enrolled in school, even if it isn't the traditional school. Yes, you can be an official Thespian. I went to public school last year and there was a kid that was home schooled and was a Thespian.

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