
Can Horus level 8 be monster reborn?

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Today i was playing this 12th grader. he use 6x samurrail shogun and blow up my horus level 8, level 8 is summon properly. Can i monster reborn it that guy said i can't...but the rule book clearly said that if a monster is special summon properly at first i can special summon it with a card effect... i wonder is that guy right or i am wrong?




  1. No, you cannot summon him via monster reborn. Horus lv6's effect is the only one you can use to summon him.

  2. the guys are above me are idiots.You can but only if u summoned him properly before with horus lv 6 effect.

  3. Nope

  4. Dont be down by these guys. I have to look into this but I recently read an article in where a player wrote about his opponent special summoning this one monster that needed a special condition about "This card can only be special summoned by..." Guy said he called judge to verify and judge said it was legal. Go to go to verify with me.

    I'll place a link to where we can begin.

    Check in the monster rulings first, then go to advance gameplay faqs. If after that you still have trouble download the "Official Rule Book".

    You know what, just read it in basic gameplay, and it turns out you can't. Cards that have the text "This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card cannot be special summoned except by.." can only be special summoned by specific card effects that target that one card. Sorry. Just Pot of Avarice Horus or something.

  5. nope. even if you summoned it properly, monster reborn won't work. it says "this card cannot be special summoned except..." meaning it can only be special summoned by the text written in the card (in this case, it has to be summoned through horus lv6). if horus lv8 said "this card can only be special summoned by..." then you can use monster reborn to bring it back.

    even though monster reborn won't work, you can use level modulation on it. it says to "ignore the summoning conditions", which means even though horus lv8 has to be summoned by horus lv6's effect, it can still be summoned. but your opponent will draw 2 cards and horus lv8 will have no effect during the turn it's summoned.

    "Note that "Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8" has the word "except" in its Summoning conditions, which means that even if Special Summoned properly, you cannot revive it with "Monster Reborn" afterwards if it is destroyed."

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