
Can Hydrogen Injection really improve gas mileage significantly? Does it really reduce emissions?

by Guest56750  |  earlier

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I’ve heard a lot recently about on demand hydrogen generators for cars. I’ve looked at the plans and the claims but I am wondering about some of it. These devices only contain a couple liters of water, which would not produce much of this “Brown’s Gas”.

Can someone explain to me how so little gas can have an impact on mileage?

I don't want to hear about the exponential energy released by the gas or some such hogwash.

I'm looking for actual documentation of how combining Brown's Gas with gasoline affects the burn. I want hard numbers.

I’ve heard it said that it makes combustion more efficient, burning more of the fuel with less waste. Does anyone have any documentation to back up these kind of claims?

I also understand these systems are supposed to reduce emissions, does anyone documentation verifying this?

If you’ve gotten such a unit to work, reliably, and it has made an appreciable difference in your fuel economy I’d be very interested to hear about it.

Thank you.




  1. I am building one now, so you "Nay Sayers" look out :) Look it is pretty easy to see that your Alt DOES make excess energy. Answer this question "Nay Sayers", "If I disconnect my radio and all other electric using devices in the car does it get better gas mileage?" Or, "Lets say add bigger sound system and it creates more sound (which I have done) does it MAGICALLY make your alternator turn harder?"

    There defiantly is extra, not used electricity. I think it should make the explosiveness of the fuel much higher. We will find out if my cell improves gas mileage or not, but in the mean time answer those easy to answer questions. BTW I am not selling these devices and have nothing to gain in saying so.

  2. No, it's a scam.  It will actually decrease gas mileage and increase emissions.

  3. look at the exhaust of your car. CO2 & Co but no O. If there was excess O in the chamber it would produce more energy. The hydrogen flame if it burns will be hot enough to produce NO2 . A few years ago the envirementalist forced the car co. to retars the spark from 14 deg before top dead center to 10. That cost most cars about 18%.

  4. You’re not going to find the documentation you’re looking for because this device and many just like it are a con. These things have been around since before the 1970’s and every time gas prices go up you see them popping up again.

    You get back far less energy back then what you put in. I have the math and will post it again if you post back an edit, but in the end you get back only about 20% of the energy. I know they claim that your alternator is producing excess power, it’s not, your alternator only puts out the power you need, or that HHO is enhance the combustion of your car, it won’t. A modern car only put out about 50 ppm (parts per million) of un-burnt hydrocarbons and even if HHO was able to burn that small about of hydrocarbons (it can’t) you wouldn’t notice it nor would you get back the energy you put out to make the gas.

    Think about this

    If it really helped fuel mileage why are they not on new car? The car companies have to make the CAFÉ number and if it really increased the fuel mileage as much as they claimed up to 40%, they would be billionaires over night. Even if you believe big oil got to the US car companies and the government, why wouldn’t Japan, a country that imports ALL its oil, not be putting this on their cars? Or India, China, ETC. Think about it, big oil would have to kill this device in every county that produces cars, including South Africa which is producing ethanol to end their dependence on oil. And they would have to buy off all the testing results, and quash all the books, stop all the web sites. Notice that big oil still hasn’t quashed the web sites, or any other of the web sites pushing this device, strange. Not really, big oil isn’t worried about this because it doesn’t work.

    EDIT for OKinOK

    No your alternator doesn’t make excess energy, if you disconnect all your electric devices in your car will get better fuel mileage, not much better but better. Most devices in you car don’t require that much power to run, so if you did install a bigger sound system, it doesn’t magically make your alternator turn harder it makes it turns harder to make more power but not that much harder, unless you have an insane system in which case you could draw enough power to require an second alternator.

    Your alternator does have excess capacity that is it’s not running at 100% all the time, but that’s different than producing excess energy.

    After you hook up this device, try this; take the end of the hose where the Brown’s gas or HHO is supposed to come out light a match as see how big the flame is. After all Brown’s gas or HHO is the perfect mix for burning hydrogen, two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen, I won’t be surprised when nothing happens. Personally I’d bench test this thing before I went through all the trouble hooking this thing up. After all you just need a battery and a few wires, hook a plastic bag, not a balloon a balloon requires pressure to fill where a plastic garbage bag doesn’t need much if any at all pressure to fill up, the then and see how long it takes to fill it up. I hope you have a lot of time on your hands.

    But I’m going to tell you what will happen, you’ll spend the $$ and buy the book and the $$ to build this thing and hook it up. And SURPRISE it’ll seem to get you better gas mileage, not because this thing is working, but because you’ve changed your driving habits, you’ll be paying attention to the way you drive. But after the first month or two you’re back to driving just like you were before and your fuel mileage is worse then before.

    This device has been around for YEARS (I remember it back in the 1970’s along with magnets, fuel vaporizers, water injectors, fuel heaters and many, many more) and it (along with all the other devices) failed EVERY time it’s tested. But people kept on claiming they get X% better fuel mileage so the testers put a device under the hood of the car with wires, tubes, etc and TOLD people they would get better fuel mileage with this device, only the device wasn’t hooked up to anything, and surprise people got better fuel mileage, not because of the device but because they changed the way they drove their car.

    Good luck anyway.

  5. "Or, "Lets say add bigger sound system and it creates more sound (which I have done) does it MAGICALLY make your alternator turn harder?" "

    It's not magic, it's physics.  A generator has wire coils that a magnet spins near.  When you put in that big sound system, the reduced resistance produces a larger current in the generator's coils.  This current produces a magnetic field that grabs the rotating magnet harder.  And so you have to crank harder to run a bigger electrical load.  It was one of the demonstrations you missed in science class, and so did everyone else: I built a simple and exceedingly crude generator out of an electric motor, added a crank, and connected it to a few Christmas lights.  I ask school kids and adults to turn the crank and then disconnect and connect the lights.  When the lights are connected, the crank is very difficult to turn, for precisely the reasons I've discussed here.  The younger customers are always astounded.  The old geezers aren't, because they've already had experience with real machinery.

  6. No no no no no.

    In reality, it is bogus. It is a perpetual motion machine and it is outright fraudulent. Technology cannot overcome basic laws of nature.

    What these people (or ANY snake-oil salesmen) do is they give you SOME information which is scientifically accurate and that you already know about (for instance, burning hydrogen generates energy and water as the product) but then use weasel words to lead you to believe something that is not true.

    Here is the scientific reasoning why this is simply not possible.

    Hydrogen in these systems is created by the following:

    2 H2O + energy(1) ---> 2 H2 + O2

    the energy input is electrical.

    Then the gasses burn:

    2 H2 + O2 ---> 2 H2O + energy(2)

    The energy(2) yielded is in the form of mechanical work and heat.

    Energy(2) CANNOT exceed energy(1) - this is a simple principle known as the "Law of Conservation of Energy". You can't get more out of something than you put into it.

    In practice, about 20-40% of the energy can be recovered.

    SO the device that seems to be running on water is in fact running on the battery. It is really quite simple.

    NOW the argument some make is that it "improves combustion" by burning unburnt fuel, increasing the power output.

    Firstly, an engine that is spewing out unburnt fuel is in serious need of a tune-up. A well-maintained engine doesn't do this.

    Second, this is simply not possible. The "extra" oxygen produced by the system is only exactly enough to burn the hydrogen that is produced, leaving all the "unburnt" gasoline, still, "unburnt". Any oxygen that DOES burn with the gasoline must, therefore, leave some hydrogen unburnt. Either way, you have exactly the same amount of combustion.

    "Brown's gas" is simply a 2:1 mixture of hydrogen and oxygen and nothing more.  This mythical "HHO" is BS.  The only compound with a formula of H2O is WATER.

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